
Thank goodness for shelf paper!

HVAC. Imagine a modern car without any form of ventilation.

Primanti’s sandwich for reference:

AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! I learned stick about a month ago and now suddenly my husband feels the need to try to hold my hand all the damn time. YOU TAUGHT ME STICK MOTHERFUCKER, YOU KNOW YOU CAN’T HOLD MY DAMN HAND NOW!!!!!!

“Spread your legs, I’m changing the station.”

The buttons are sensory, and don’t work half the time (explorer)

Base model Fords get my vote.

Sir, the sweaty, faintly clanking man wants a meeting. He brought pamphlets.

Everyone knows Scott Pilgrim is tough, but people forget that in one movie, he defeated Captain America, the Human Torch, Superman, and the Atom.

It has to. That's the only explanation that works.

The dude who was all like...”I think I can ride that” was probably the craziest.

There. Fixed it for ya.

Leyat Helica.

Gotta get this one out there

Audi A3 / S3.

Next time, try filling the truck with popcorn first...

Snickers? More like Butterfinger!