
Actually... she does.

I used to drive a Honda Civic Hybrid. I was pulled over once doing 90+ in a 65.

I did all the right things - polite, non-confrontational, middle class, white, etc. When the officer told me how fast he clocked me, I said “Huh. I honestly didn’t know this hybrid could go that fast.”

I still got a ticket, but for 10 over

From their ISP, apparently.

Why do we listen to celebrities? Just because they’re successful at earning money in a sport or art or real-estate bankruptcy schemes (*cough Mr. President cough*) does that somehow make them interesting or wise?

If anything, the determined, narrow focus that it takes to be successful in a field like that tends to

US Troop withdrawl from South Korea? Even under a supposedly isolationist “America First” president, I don’t see the US letting go of any of its bases or holdings in south-east Asia, even if (when) the NK government falls.

The $32,380 price is accurate. You have to buy ten 1980's era Buicks to hope to find enough parts to rebuild one Iron Duke.

And then $32,000 to get it running.

Patrick, this is not a wagon. It’s a sport back, a hatch back, a crossover, whatever. And it’s pretty nice looking, as far as modern variations of the AMC Eagle go. But it is not a wagon.

I know, right? Boston - Foxboro - Providence at least makes a little sense.

But if they built that, it would put us back into contention for an Olympic bid....

Two words:

Upsize *from* the cars you have? My two kids are 6 and 9 years old, and I’m just starting to think about upsizing *to* a Mazda6 or other midsize.

You have plenty of car. If you enjoy driving them, then no reason to change.

And congratulations on your son. At 7 weeks, you might be getting more than 4 hours of

It’s really happening! It’s even on the website now!

That’s nice and all that MI drivers want to enjoy the crap that us Boston drivers have had to deal with for years. (They’re called Rotaries, btw.)

But how do I approach “Magic Roundabouts” with circles surrounding circles? I’m heading to Swindon, UK soon, and this scares the pants off of me.

I love that her 3 year old realizes that his mom is an idiot, and brings her the bucket as if to say “Mom, enough with the hose.”

The trailer already exists (or at least, a local radio station has a spoof):
Zero Dark Jersey.

The fallout from this horrific error will be swift and severe -
Trump to request Congressional Investigation into illegal leaking of “Daily 1600" to fake news outlets.

I was thinking Mazda 3 myself, but same reasoning.
The “Experts” seem to have missed the requirement for 2 adults + 2 kids. TT and Miata are fun and span generations, but just for 2 kid-sized adults.

Then you wind up in Northampton instead of Springfield.
Which, actually, is not so bad.

Dave’s not here, man.

Scissor beats paper, paper beats rock, rock beats torpedo.

Yep - it all checks out here.

That’s what I get for taking the first google result as gospel. I stand corrected.