
That, and the phone fight afterwards.

Carbon Motor's E7 police cruiser replacement. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

A Delorean, with the optional "Mr. Fusion" power plant. It gets 147 miles per banana peel.

Zoom in, and you can almost see the logo...

Lots of anger here. I touch a nerve?
Come on - let's get it all out.

Straight white guy here. No - we pretty much suck. Especially if you take us in aggregate over the last 500 years. Most problems are caused by us, or at least made worse by us.

On behalf of my corner of the species, I'm sorry.

Might want to add a volume/language warning. My speakers were turned up a little too loudly for the last couple seconds...

White Ford Bronco. 20 years ago today, it put on a "performance" that the whole world stopped to watch.

Seconded. I drove a mid-80s Caprice Classic Wagon. Not only was it fast to start, people would evacuate the left lane at night because of the distinctive silhouette and headlights.

And I even like the color.

$19k new, plus $4k a pop for the inevitable, multiple bent frame repairs.

It's not the golf cart they deserve, but it's the golf cart they need.

Also, it looks like the front wheels could pop off to be an emergency escape Segway.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Whoops. Nope. Nope. Fark-you, wheel. Nope. Nope. Nope.

He's apparently better than the Porsche's driver he caught up to.

I did like the "Let's get him up on our shoulders" then he slips out the back. That's better (for Bill) than the 20 minutes of handshakes and autographs for a 45 second drop-by.

And cooler than "Hey - look over there!"

That happened to you, too?
I feel a *little* better, then.

Seconded. I got a Smart For4 in Rome from Sixt in 2005. Awesome ride, easy rental experience, and much more fun than the Fiats that everyone else wound up with.

I just Craughed myself.