
@moonshadowkati: No, but it will scratch several gently sweeping "Z"s into your windows.

@Crixxtachi: He forged a bat'leth. He just doesn't go around blabbing about it.

@GV_Goat: I like your theory. It would be great if we had placed an atomic clock on board to help measure the effect.

You know that bridge you're standing on to get this footage? And the freshly waterlogged mud that it was built on? Yeah, let's think about this.

@SEXYHAMMER: Another vote for the Ducati. More little boxes need big bike engines.

Pretty soon, all the Kouriers will be riding these.

Late entry: Matt Stanford's '91 Mustang.

@sqlfanatic: Awesome visual explanation. Thanks!

@OCEntertainment: Tying it to your speed would also prevent texting-while-being-a-passenger, which isn't a safety problem so much as a social one.

@corsair130: Amen. Hey Apple: Keep your hands off my jack-hole!

Wipes tear from eye...

Any cop that decides to stop you is going to stop you. They won't believe propaganda that you happen to be carrying, unless you can also flash your bar association card.

@michelinman85: Where was the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth shattering kaboom!

Commander Bob then grabbed his dog's harness, unfolded his white cane, and tapped his way out of the press conference.

@govintage: My Honda is more "American made" than most Chevys.

@BuhoLoco40: Dibs on naming rights to "The Expandables." 10% of take should cover it for me.

@Charlotte Corday: I forget the comic, but I heard a routine where they advise you that if the plane goes down, it will go into the ground like a f-ing dart. Please inflate your life vests, so when archeologists find you, millions of years from now, they'll think there was an ocean here.

@GlasgowRose: I'm so mad, I could... I could... wheeeeeEEEE!!!!

@VeeArrrSix: Impressive commitment from both.