@Optixtruf: That's where the farm subsidy money goes...
@Optixtruf: That's where the farm subsidy money goes...
@Aaron Huebner: They are not measuring how much it costs to do the *first* one, but to see how many you can do in three years, and then divide to find the cost per sequence. That's the only way the numbers have meaning. (Broad Institute)
@BiddyBalboa: you'd be able to run the navigation software for almost *two* hours!
Slim-Jim for the stick.
Enhance. Enhance!
When did they eat? When did they pee?
Nice, but most CFLs die an early death if you burn them base-up - they're not designed to dissipate the heat in that orientation.
@Belabras: Standing in a hammock?
@That_was_totally_Batman: It's a kick-stand for the Evo. Only really works in landscape mode though. The rounded edge and top-heaviness makes the Evo want to collapse it and fall over when you use it standing upright.
Is tooth-brushing so strenuous that you need an electric replacement? Really? If you're too weak for tooth-brushing, then you might as well get rid of the teeth - you're probably too weak to chew.
I picked up the last one in Cambridge, MA at noon last Friday. Not surprised that there's this much movement on it - the device is slick.
@muhnkee_2 - Avantime Owner and 100% Jaloper: BA in Theatre. Now slumming it in the IT industry, the waiters of the 21st century.
@muhnkee_2 - Avantime Owner and 100% Jaloper: Brekekekeks-koax-koax
@kbm123: Nope - the ground is dry.
@pbrtim: I had a 92 prizm - no such problems. Peppy enough, and never touched the starter in the 6 years I owned it.
Pro-tip = do not do this.
@thevpuli: But it works in time with the music played through it... set a clear plate with iron filings on this, and you get your own show set to the music!
Generate your own sound FX with this analog crosstalk injector!
I've heard that the metal posts on the headrest should be able to be a useful tool to punch through a window.