
Ain’t no shower like a Marilyn Mosby shower cuz a Marilyn Mosby shower is trespassory.

Re The first thing the dad says to me when he sets his 5ish year old down behind me is “Haha, you’re going to get a back massage, he’s a kicker!”

I would prefer not to fly with you goofballs who take too long to board the plane, can’t figure out where your seat is, and bring a rolling ice-chest on board as your carry-on, but unless I want to fly a private charter, I get to suck it up and fly with the public.

It’s one thing when a baby screams through a movie. The kid doesn’t get shit from it when they’re too young, it’s crappy to subject people to that sort of thing.

This. Absolutely. If the kid is just tired/scared/frustrated and the parent is doing their best to mitigate it, I am sweet as candy. I’ve sent glasses of wine to a few parents who looked about ready to cash it all in and give up.

If it will keep me from having to listen to a screaming child for 4 hours, she can have the underseat space.

A plane is a shared space. That means everyone should do everything within to reason to both maintain that space AND to be able to deal with the shit that comes up in a shared space. This does not mean you can let your kid do whatever it wants as long as it shuts up, and it also does not mean you are owed some

Seriously, you don’t want to hear a crying child on a plane, wear some sound isolating head phones.
As for the seat kicking. That only annoys me when the parents dont even make an attempt to have their child to not do that. If the parents are trying, there is not much you can do. Children are children. (My last flight

Crying children irritate me just as much as the next person, but the last time I checked, this is goddamn America, and I recognize your right to be on that plane, same as me. Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go because your child might, I dunno, ACT LIKE WE ALL DID

You’re aware of the difference between rape and sexual assault, yes?

Telling a guy who’s worth 65 million bucks his career decisions are “silly.” LOL internet.

I was thinking he looks more like an upset walrus.

“Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.”

Headaches build character.

it takes courage for a man to take a stab at talking to a girl he doesn’t know.

Just BLATENT creepshaming

The only cat calls I accept.