
I wear athletic leggings as pants cause they're not see-through. I have a pair of lululemon leggings which are not see-through. The only other issue I'm seeing with leggings as pants letting people see what my ass is shaped like, like the slutty slut I am. How dare I wear pants that people deem too tight.

Why would they not be decent on a boy? I would not tell a boy he can't wear leggings. Wear em all ya want, guys.

I was picturing something like this. . .

I have to say, I'd be rather taken aback if my name was tossed into an open letter written by someone I didn't know about her molestation. Johansson worked with Allen. It's not fair to expect that she is now required to weigh in with serious opinions on a 25 year old accusation just because she acted in his movie. I

I want to read that series so badly.

Right? Hell, she should have been the protagonist of the whole series. The other two, loveable as they were, were albatross' around her neck.

Yes, because a smart, strong woman hooking up with a brave, loyal good man is obviously stupid. What was Hermione thinking? Ron is POOR. And has a sense of humor. And a strong foundation of family. God Hermione is so STUPID.

(I like the excuse to use this gif, and it seemed to go with yours)

50 birds/year/cat? I don't buy it. But cats are the leading cause of my having no mice in my house. Up with blood thirsty cats! They keep my environment in check.

I find it extremely depressing, but that seems likely to me, too, based on her behavior. And well...follow the money.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The mom did it.

At my first sleepover, I told the mom I didn't feel well, which was a lie. I just wanted to go home. My teeny tiny five year old hostess was not happy about it. I still feel the shame of the lie to this day.

Being extremely picky, this was hands down my biggest worry about sleepovers. But what will I eat if I don't like their food!?

Word. I grew up in a healthy house so whenever anyone asked if I wanted to spend the night, I said "Sure. What kind of cereal do you have?"

Part of sleepovers is waking up the next day to the breakfast traditions of other families that aren't your own.

Get an Australian Shepherd. 99% as smart as a Border Collie, but 500% more mellow. There's a good chance they'll be lazy.

Now playing

Plus, he made the comment during the in between moments of an interview and probably didn't think it would become a big thing.

The problem was, Kanye was a jackass. Yes, he–and many others–have legit critiques of the Grammys. Taking it out on Taylor Swift, though, and putting her in that situation (because really, WTF is a young girl supposed to do), was a jackass move. (And yeah, I'd argue that expecting an 18-year-old girl to know how to

Totally agree, the genius is how, after two books presenting the Capitol as this ruthless entity, Collins shows us how the "good guys" fighting against them may not be that pure of intentions either. If anything, it reminds you of so many times in history (Castro in Cuba is just one of many examples) where the

Anyone else here a picker? My fiancee has a spot on his back that always gets a tiny blackhead and I'm the fucking devil with that thing.