No one gets close enough to the Sisters to cut their arms off.
No one gets close enough to the Sisters to cut their arms off.
The Astartes (space marines) have even bigger shoulder bits. I’m sure you’ve seen them. There’s a dude in the Obscurus Crusade (40K cosplayer group) that came up with an awesome PVC piston design that gives those things actual range of motion.
Praise be his name.
My absolute favorite weird science/conspiracy is an extension of this called The Montauk Project that is a sort of kitchen sink theory that involves absolutely every bit of forteana that you can think of. The show Fringe cribbed a bit from it. I recommend looking it up. It’s fucking bananas.
Sure. I suppose you could do something interesting with Akira on a modern console that is engaging but these are 16-bit consoles and primitive hand-held devices. Developers were hamstrung by the hardware. Those consoles basically locked you into a strict set of genre possibilities.
HOW do you make a game out of this movie, in the first place. I guess there are a couple of action setpieces, but this is not a story that lends itself to action-packed video gaming.
I'm going to assume that these two haven't been married long because if they have and he hasn't accepted that this is how it goes for a slim majority of married couples, then there's no hope for this marriage.
This article comes off as bitter. I'm not saying that the whole thing is wrong but I think it portrays MMA fans in a very unfair light. It's true that UFC 157's press has been The Ronda Rousey show since the card was first announced and I think this article gets a lot of it right as to why that is. But there's all…
GAHHH!!! This is like something out of an episode of Fringe.
It seems like really poor judgement to name your ship Icarus. Why not Daedalus? He's the one who made it. Edit: Derp. Yeah. So the ship design IS called Daedalus.
I hate to even consider the reality of this Disney rumor but then again, they didn't spend $4billion not to use the most iconic villain in the history of film. I just hope their business sense is as good as I think it is because that's something Lucas would do.
I always kind of got the feeling that Pixar produced shit like Cars and the sequel out of pure studio politics. You know? "If we make these extremely commercial movies that aren't really all that representative of our company for you and you make billions between box office and marketing, you give us a piece of that…
I for one welcome our Frankenstorm overlord.
Not true at all! We source all of our routines from Karl Gotch who never lifted more than his own body weight. Everything we do is in intervals of three minutes or more and it's all geared for shootfighting. These guys simultaneously gain strength and conditioning from this . It's pretty awesome. Strength training and…
You can do a lot of resistance training without any weights. I do a lot of MMA conditioning with fighters and it involves very little weight training. If we use any at all, it's no more than a few kg. But you don't even need those. HIITS and Tabata style rounds of push ups, pulls ups, ab work, and squats with nothing…
It's interesting to me how rational everyone has been to my question. As pure speculation, it's pretty easy to sit back and assume that nothing would change and the world would keep on turning but this would be a major paradigm shift for the entire world. There's also a great vastness of people out there who hold…
It's easy to be a cheerleader for a remake of your own iconic movie when you have a producer credit on the remake.