I appreciate your thought process here. DRINK VODKA. FOR YOUR HEALTH.
I appreciate your thought process here. DRINK VODKA. FOR YOUR HEALTH.
So... basically... we should be drinking vodka prophylactically? Just in case we one day ingest some antifreeze? You can never be too careful, you know.
I worked for a billing company and several of our doctors were on call for the women's shelters because they routinely saw them for free and would move them ahead of the line. One of the doctors chose this company after the last company sent a bill to the victim. We always had patients calling us telling us how great…
They changed it? Maybe too many people peeing on each other? I feel like there is a conspiracy that we need to unearth.
And you out both your submarines and Mr Toad's Wild Ride. Seriously why does WDW even remain open?
Some ladies on twitter really turned it around, though. My contributions:
Not coincidentally, the only place I've seen the word "male" used to describe sentient men in a non-scientific context is in fantasy books, specifically in the context of a society which is both cruel and matriarchal. Only non-science-related example I can think of, and the use of the word "male" is explicitly used to…
While it is accurate to say we are the male and female of the human species the way female tends to be used in pop culture is almost always derogatory. This article we are discussing shows that and it's not an isolated case. It seems to me when female is used, it's a substitute for the word bitch. What's wrong with…
"Female" is a designator based solely on genitalia. You can be a female if you have a vagina. Doesn't matter if you're a dog, a bee - hell, you can even be an electrical connector as long as you've got an "in" slot. The word "female" emphasizes that the valued factor is your plumbing.
Thank you for this. I tried to explain this to a commenter on Gawker and I was called the language police and a bitch.
I work in a male-dominated industry and hearing someone refer to "females" is something I instantly, automatically correct. They do it innocently and usually are totally confused when I jump in. When asked to explain, I say exactly what you've detailed: it's a gender designation we use with animals.
I cannot stop laughing at this one:
Why don't they get that if a baby can come out of there and it doesn't cause the vagina to become all slack, then penises, which are generally MUCH smaller than a newborn aren't going to slacken a vagina either, no matter how many partners a woman has had.
The plenty-of-sex = loose vagina thing absolutely infuriates me.
It's because it's totally dehumanizing. We usually use the term "female" to refer to animals, not human beings. It makes the fact of a person's femaleness more important that the fact of their humanity. It also lends a false air of objectivity and science to a lot of incredibly fucked-up ideas about how women…
My boyfriend and I had a huge argument last week about how much it upsets me when he uses "female" as a noun. I think it's so degrading because it's basically reducing women to their biological animal-ness, which is a problem because women are still told they are not capable of being president because of their…
Oh, you forgot to mention, the tweet that said "I've only been with like one guy" was accompanied by a picture of a cave. A fucking cave. What a perfect way to illustrate WHY women will lie about the number of partners they've had. When one has to deal with the absurd myth that more sex = stretched-out, broken…
Ahhh, "females." My favorite dehumanizing term for women. Whenever I hear that in real life, I ask "Female what? Squid? Groundhog? Oak tree?"
If you try to date me, Picard will try to kill you. #LiesToldByFemales
This is wonderful to hear. Reconstructive dental work would not come cheap. It was amazing of this dentist to provide his time and skills at no cost. Great stuff! I've heard of this type of this before, in fact when I was using and frequenting the local needle exchange, every so often there would be a letter put up on…