
People are throwing around all kinds of great ideas on this thread, but I have to say I loathe it when someone just chimes in with this "if you don't want a giant wedding, you have to forgo it entirely and elope" mentality. Bullshit, y'all. You can have an inexpensive little party. Plenty of anecdotes in favor are

My gift to my "bridesmaids" was to individually take each of the three of them aside and tell her that a) I'd chosen her as one and b) because I love them, I'm not having bridesmaids. All three were very touched and relieved.

(I wrote "thong" not "long" but yah, I bundle up like WHOA when the temp's below 30º.)

My sister goes sometimes and last year all she could say about the festival was that all the younguns wore shorts that were essentially "denim thongs," and she got like, sympathy chafe. Ow ow ow

I think underarm hair would probably feel uncomfortable for me, too, since I've never had it, but heck, there are people who think thong underwear is comfortable, so I guess anything's possible.

My 23-year-old friend just felt the need to express her shock and horror on Facebook after seeing a chick with pit hair on the train, last night. News! Newsworthy news! (This is in the Bay Area, mind you.)

Oh hee hee that would be wonderful.

I'm also mystified by the collective obsession with the character. Robb's a damn hot guy, but a boring character. I guess that leaves Jaime to crush on. Okay. I will do that. For the good of the realm.

It sounds like you would actually enjoy the movie. I was surprised to like it, since I'm not usually a big ZD fan and it was unclear from the preview whether it was going to be a standard MPDG story or a total takedown of the genre. It's worth checking out, and I *think* she only sings in the special features, which

Okay, that sounds about right. Thank you.

Yep, yep. I wrote about music in the Bay Area for a little while and I found the best way to show that I "deserved" to participate in a conversation about music was to blindside people with my knowledge of/training in classical music. It was helpful to know about something that few other people take the time to learn.

Wait, I've always seen JGL's character as the "villain" of the movie — were we actually supposed to empathize with him?

That was the hilarious part: getting rejected by dudes in high school for liking the same stuff as them. Then they're so irritated that "girls don't care about Star Wars. I just want to date a girl who likes this stuff!" Uh-huh.

17. Their pretended culture.

Hell, if someone really is more toned and better at whatever exercise we're doing, I'd prefer them to be wearing revealing clothes so I can copy their technique.

There are people who take entire ballet classes in like three layers of sweats and I just about get a contact heat stroke from looking at them. WTH, people. I'm over here fanning myself miserably in just a leo and leggings...

Strange, isn't it? Jeans come in different silhouettes, so why can't they have a rack of the same dress shaped various ways to suit different figures? Levis come in mild, moderate, and extreme curve varieties — let's have that for dresses so we don't have to take them all to get tailored (or size up to fit boobs &

Or consider restrooms that teenagers use regularly. So much projectile menstruation goes on. Blrrr.

Yes. I was a 34B at one point and have been larger and smaller, and I think of 34B as the sweet spot where people leave you the hell alone about 'em. Just enjoy it. You have the only acceptable size. LOL

You're crazy. Being called things like "saggy," "slutty," and "inappropriate," and not being able to find any clothes that fit? That's so much fun! :\