
This is something that crosses my mind whenever I see people being all, "Uuugh, Tina Fey, stop making jokes about how you're ugly, you're clearly gorgeous, you're so full of it." But I bet if you've been told by casting directors that you're ugly for like, all of your 20s, you probably internalize some of that shit.

Trust me, nobody hates it more than we do. Our government doesn't represent the desires of the majority of the population. Thankfully that's changing little by little, state by state.

"both the pro-choice and birthing communities"

I'm very sorry for your loss. I lost my first baby. I went on to experience infertility and multiple miscarriages before having my son. My ex and I split up when our son was 4. A year later I had an unplanned pregnancy with my new partner and I terminated it. I think sometimes people find it hard to believe that

It seems so obvious- women's reproductive health exists on a spectrum, and whether or not you are terminating or continuing a pregnancy, you deserve compassionate, comprehensive care. In the abortion clinic where I worked for years, about 70% of the women seeking abortions already had children. Lots of times, these

You madam, are awesome.

A few months after the death of a baby my husband and I very much wanted, I found out that a friend had had an abortion. She was terrified to tell me because she thought that I would hate her for killing her child (her words) when I couldn't have mine. Her sister used me as an example of why abortion is evil. I was

This sounds intriguing. How do you sell real estate in a communist dystopia? Did the concept of private land ownership survive?

Abso-freakin'-lutely. :)

I grew up in MN and am still getting used to WI but they eat waaaaaaaaaaaay more cheese on this side. Like, it's on frickin everything. Fries? Dip those in cheese! Pizza? Dip it in cheese! Can I dip these battered cheese curds in a different kind of cheese sauce? The more the better! Carrot sticks? Hold on, I'll go

Well said, Erin (re: your last sentences). As long as we continue to view obesity as an individual choice that exists in a vacuum instead of a public health symptom of systemic flaws in how people in poverty are educated and granted access to healthcare, we will keep throwing our energy and tax dollars away to "solve"

I definitely felt better about myself for a little while when I moved from NYC to Ohio. I was suddenly the thin girl of most groups. But then I started putting on weight, because I wasn't walking as much, and I was eating more of the crap they think is normal there. Now I live in California, and I've started taking

I got "A Really Fat Squirrel" and it made my day.

I can't speak for all humans here, but in America, we have this tendency to pull the ladder up after we climb into the clubhouse, because, you know, fuck those other guys.

Existential dread isn't taking a bunch of Buzzfeed quizzes about how much you like pizza (?!). Existential dread is taking the Myers-Briggs at 3 in the morning to see if your type indicator has changed and then looking up articles about global warming.

I read the whole article, and while at first these anecdotes made me angry, after a while, many of them just made feel sorry for these women. Can you imagine being so brainwashed that it's easier think of yourself as the murderer of your unborn child than to rethink your ideas on abortion? These women are in for a

I wish these stories didn't make me so, so angry. The narcissism and shallowness of thinking only of your own problems, and not being able to put yourself in another person's shoes... How disgusting.

My Patronus is a curling iron.

Whatever. All I know is that I got Beatrice for "Which Shakesperean character are you?", so I win.

Buzzfeed Quiz "Which Decade Do You Belong In". My results? 9th Cent. Probably because I checked "Death of Louis the Pious"as my fave cartoon