I have a house crush on every house!
I have a house crush on every house!
Agreed. Bad movie. Pretty cool visually.
If you go into Titanic for the people bouncing off railings, it's an entirely different movie!
The pro-choice side IS the pro-life side.
Really? Why's that? It seems to me, in a more liberal country, teens would be usin birth control in the first place and more likely to get abortions, thus lowering the teen pregnancy rate.
This is a Colbert precious gem that sums it all up:
Right, because private enterprises and charities have ALWAYS been super supportive of issues that affect women and minorities disproportionately. (/sarcasm) When benefits and programs that benefit lower socioeconomic groups are reduced and cut, charities and private enterprises do not step up proportionately to make…
Yes to you both. I also hate the "it's a sad thing". No it isn't sad (except of course in the sad cases where a very wanted pregnancy is terminated due to medical reasons). It's great that the woman has the option not to be forced to be a parent when she is not ready. There is a reason the most commonly reported…
You are wrong. We are in fact all responsible to each other. Who would leave a child to die on the side of road during winter? Who would force anyone to choose food, rent, or some other bill over birth control, cancer screenings, doctor visits, breast exams, maternity care, preventative care, and safe-legal abortion? …
THANK YOU! If I could star this 1,000,000 times I would. I feel that this concern-trolling of it being "the hardest decision ever" actually hurts the pro-choice narrative because it can be twisted to affirm the anti-choicers belief that we are "KILLING ALL THE BEHBEHS!" and we know it. That's why I have decided to be…
Yeah, I don't use "pro-life", I use "forced-birth".
Whenever I see that kind of reaction to something like this, it reiterates that these people have no clue about what makes a woman get an abortion. Abortions generally only happen when they're needed, not when a woman is 5 months pregnant and sort of bored one afternoon. No one gets an abortion for funsies, just like…
I found out on NYE when I was 25 that I was pregnant- failed birth control in a deeply loving 5 year relationship where we both were SO not ready to be parents. I can tell you what- knowing I was in Massachusetts, knowing I had spectacular health insurance thanks to my Swedish company, knowing there was a Planned…
I am no fan of women, at least if you ask people here, but I have to ask
When I volunteered at an animal shelter in Chicago, we used to reach out to people who adopted the dogs for follow ups/ updates and one time the update from the adoptive family detailed how their little boy had trouble reading in front of people and so he practiced by reading to their little shelter dog and I swear to…
Haha exactly. I love to run long distances. It's my favourite thing in this world to do. I feel free and strong when I run. EXCEPT that every time I run (and despite the various layers of clothing I wear) I still get "hey girl, nice titties" or "nice ass" or "you should smile" and occasionally some intimidating…
I have sometimes used that type of example. When men say "I would love it if women complimented me," I usually say, "What type of women are you thinking of? If women you weren't attracted to demanded your attention constantly and got all up in your personal space, how would you feel?" even though it's not perfect,…
Yes, they need to try. I think part of the disconnect is that men generally don't worry about physical harm from women, and the idea that a man could overpower me is what makes street harassment more threatening than it might be for men.
I actually laughed so hard that I bonked my head on my desk. In tears. I have not laughed this hard in maybe ever.