
Your deranged accusations about whatever I did or did not do with the toilet paper clearly spring from a place of hurt and jealousy. The sheer illogic seems dispositive to me.

You don't replace the toilet paper?!?

Things I would dismiss without a second thought:

I just wrote something similar a second ago. And not only would they defend themselves; the very idea of them molesting their child would be so appalling, disgusting and horrifying to them that their reaction to these accusations certainly wouldn't be "I didn't give it a second thought" and "it's ludicrous". How is

...I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought.

A lot of Jezebel authors and commentators would like to believe that obesity is:

Yeah, that's seems pretty naive.

Also, apparently I've been working in the wrong industry. $12,750 for one night with a camera surrounded by drunks and maybe a week of video editing? Do that five times a year and you're good to go. Damn.

I'm so tired that I read "applause track" as "applesauce attack" and I was like I'd be pissed too! Reading is hard.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess the total cost of her wedding was somewhere in the 72,000 range.

I find it strange that Mia's apparent....instability is being used by some people to defend Woody Allen from Dylan's accusations.

There may be something fundamentally wrong with both of them (I don't know either; I can't say) but I'm going to lean towards the side of the woman makes a crazy card, not the side of the man who touches a little girl.

I only read the first book, and I almost stopped immediately after I found out that Khal Drogo was raping a child into Stockholm Syndrome.

Man, Peter Dinklage sure does smolder, doesn't he?

I would laugh and inform them how much I am paid to "fuck it up".

I just love his implicit argument: "You can attract men to your gender studies course by not making them be around women. Coooooootiiiiiieeeees"

Yeah, people who love guns ALWAYS hate heteronormativity! You can't MOVE in the Southern US for rainbow flags, it's great! /sarcasm

In fact (not that I want to take away from this discussion of how important sensitively discussing the rights of trans people is or how much of an arsehole Piers Morgan is, but since you

please don't hijack the trans* narrative to glorify your gun fetish.

Is it our love of makeover shows? Seriously, I wonder if there's something in human nature that LOVES the "Before and After" concept. Human beings, poorly designed interiors, the homes of hoarders.... what is our obsession with this??

So amazing to hear about trans issues from someone who has lived it. Thank you for the education. Do more of this, Jezebel.

I've never understood how privileged people (white men seem particularly prone to this) can't accept that THEY DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHAT'S OFFENSIVE TO THE OFFENDED PARTY!! Just because you didn't mean to be offensive doesn't mean you weren't offensive.