I would get my period the second I put that on.
I would get my period the second I put that on.
You know what's an actual "fuck you" to the wedding industrial complex? Don't buy ANYTHING labelled as wedding. For one thing, the price for anything considered to be "wedding" related is about triple what it would be ordinarily (eg- a regular bouquet of flowers VS. big-ass wedding bouquet).
A.) My wedding dress cost $395 and was an actual dress and not this hot mess wedgie factory.
I'm a huge, unabashed nerd. I read comics, play video games, and am really into sci-fi and fantasy books. These are, of course, fraught with problematic elements. They're getting better (I like to think), but one only has to pick up a comic to see how horribly women are represented/drawn; one only has to head over to…
I went through a "snake phase" as a kid, and I had a pet boa, a ball python, and some geckos (okay, it was more an exotics phase.)
huh? Many cats like being outdoors and if you live in an area where it's safe for them to go outside, let them go outside if they want. I grew up with indoor/outdoor cats and they all lived to be close to 20 years old, very happy and contented. Household cats kill millions of birds and rodents each year but it's a…
Drives me batty, too. Here, let's encase organic matter INSIDE SOMETHING THAT TAKES 500+ YEARS TO DECOMPOSE!!!
I've got it! Cthulhoo-hoo!
Thank you. Until men start getting surgery to "fix" their balls (which are way more protrusive and visually weirder on average) I am steady not giving a crap about this latest scam.
It's not that there are straight men who prefer women to be surgically altered. It's that there are straight men who prefer women to look porn stars, a very great many of whom have been surgically altered, and can react with shock, disgust, or both to vulvae that have not been surgically altered to fit their idea of…
If your (you plural, not you personally) personal preference is that you dislike women's (or anyone's) bodies if they haven't been surgically altered, I'm pretty comfortable identifying that as a problem.
I think that's a wonderful attitude, and there are a lot of men who view the issue exactly the way you do, but there are also a lot of men who don't, and have a lot of incredibly cruel things to say to and about women whose bodies don't conform to their idea of "acceptable" (ever heard the term "roast beef curtains"?…
I've heard several guy friends complain about "beef curtains" or debate the merits of "hotdog buns" or innies vs outies. I also know a piercer who keeps a binder of photographs of women whose clits or labs he's pierced, and it's generated plenty of "ew, did you see hers, gross" talk. My own friends have horror stories…
"So it must be the women internalizing what they think men want to see?"
I think that pretty much has to be the case, as I've never heard any man turning down sex because the lady parts in question weren't as fashionable as he'd like.
I didn't think about it much until I was hanging out with some guys who started talking disparagingly about larger labia. That was the first time I realized there was a preference, or even a real difference.
I don't think the appeal to men enters into it all that much. So often you hear women say about their cosmetic surgery "I did this for ME". I think it's that the marketing/brainwashing really, really works. It makes women feel that something is wrong with their bodies and they won't feel OK until it's "fixed".
"Fixed?" You're kidding, right?
This is going to sound weird, and MOM DON'T READ THIS!
But I think the best thing my Mom did for me when I was younger was to be open with her natural body. She has stretch marks, she has sagging, she didn't shave anything but her legs and armpits, and only when she was going to be showing them. And she was…
I have a family friend who came from an abusive family and then bounced around in foster care. When he met his girlfriend and her family they took him in and really treated him as one of their own. So when he eventually married his girlfriend he legally changed his last name to hers.