
I have trouble imagining Assassins ever getting greenlit, which sucks, because it would be really interesting (and you could have NPH reprise his role as the Balladeer). But c'mon, seriously, RAGTIME! That has the potential to be a really great movie if well-done. That is absolutely one of my favorites.

They once compared him to Errol Flynn and I have to agree. He would definitely be 'in like Flynn' with me.

Also, sometimes relative passivity IS the best method. I was once in a hotel room when a man broke in and stood over me while I was in bed. I pretended to sleep until he left. Had I engaged in physical combat with him, I have no doubt that it would have ended very, very badly. Responses are based in the specific

Race and class stuff huh? You mean the fact that the aggressor was a young black male from a lower middle class likely on his way back to Marin City, the driver was a black male and the victim was what your assuming is a moderate to middle/upper class white woman? That the driver probably didn't take her seriously

My grandmother told me that. I told her I wasn't in the mood to buy a whole pig if all I wanted was a little sausage once in a while.

A ball kick isn't the kryptonite that you think it is.

This may be true and I've seen my fair share of that (bus driver not engaging someone)... but the bus driver laughed and shook the harasser's hand and that's what makes this particular story not okay. If he had ignored the harasser for fear of his own safety or further provoking the guy, that's understandable (though

Just a reminder that "redhead" doesn't always mean "white."


True story, I had a huge crush on Beaker when I was a kid. I don't know what that says about me, but I feel like it's quite a bit.

Mi mi?

I married one, we have a beautiful baby girl with her daddy's hair.

Hiddleston and Simon Pegg. Both ginger, talented, adorable and sexy.

What, no love for Bill Weasley? I love this thread so fucking much!

I have a daughter. I will vote Republican when hell freezes over. Or when Republicans allow abortion, birth control, and sex ed to be accessible and available to all, including my daughter. Whichever comes first. I'm flexible.

Ewan McGregor. That is all.

Right. Why would you vote for a party that wants to limit your daughter's access to health care and dictates what she can do with her body?

My parents actually view me as this crazy thing called a HUMAN BEING who has rights to her body and her life choices. My father is actually the polar opposite of this article - he was raised in a very conservative Irish Catholic family. Then he met my mom and had me and realized that there was no way in fuck he would

Having a daughter has made my husband more liberal. It enrages him that someone would ever try to deny her rights or treat her like a second class citizen. He still hates the thought of her dating, but he hates the thought of her being denied help, jobs, or worse even more ;)

No Hiddles?!