
Titanic is pretty cool if you can ignore/enjoy mocking the cheezy romance and focus on the other elements. I hate sappy romance as much as the next girl, but I'm also a big ol' boat nerd and it's exciting to check out the sets, costumes, and special effects.

Silly heckler. You can't burn a dragon! I don't think she's the strongest actor on the show but it sure is fun to say "my peee-pull" in the weird way she does.

Anyone have an idea who or what the hefty price of tickets goes to? Is it a retainer for Michael York's appearance? Booze fund? R&D funds for creation of a working replica of Box the robot?

God bless Illinois. Even the hair salons will booze you up.

I once spent a good fifteen minutes trying to find the booze in an Oklahoma grocery store. Mystifying experience.

I just can't get into male models, even though they're beautiful. I think I'm just mentally picturing them being as vain and self-involved as male dancers and that kills it for me.

People are still going on about how great it is that I lost 15-20 pounds something like three years ago. I'm teetering on the edge of getting concern-trolled, if I lose maybe one more pound. Dreading it!

Ohhh yes, it counts. I have approximately eleventy-nine lipsticks. And I'm still wearing clothes I bought eight years ago. Lipstick is the easiest thing to hoard.

Yah, I had to be strong-armed into even doing a registry (older relatives really wanted to give gifts) and I made it as clear as possible on my wedding site that nobody should feel obligated. Hell no I don't want my friends feeling coerced into spending more than the cost of attendance. Them showing up is the damn

Yup. I'm currently planning my wedding and saying no to just about everything. It's kind of liberating. We're just going to order a ton of stuff from Whole Foods and have a family party at a basically-free venue. That's quite enough wedding for me.

I wish ballet studios had a "hobby track" for the kids who loved to dance but who were obviously not going to be professionals. I quit halfway through high school when things got to the "all or nothing" point and we had to be there five nights a week or GTFO. It would have been wonderful to just take it a bit easier

It's so interesting how people build muscle differently while doing the same sport. I love it when companies hire a variety of body types so you can see their different personalities on stage together.

Go take a class right now! My amateur night classes are the highlight of my day. There's an age range of 16-75 in there. Love it.

Oh my god and could they just PLEASE either add a bra inside those things or design them to cover a bra if you wear one, underneath!

Oh derp, I read the rest of the thread after posting. My mistake. Carry on. (And follow her on Facebook - she posts a lot of gorgeous/near-naked artsy photos. It's glorious.)

Genetics, and training eight hours a day. ;)

It's been like three years and I'm still occasionally Googling just in case it finally happened. :( I just want to wear a leotard like all the other girls!

Oh Jeezy-creezy. Yah, I'll be okay.

Ah, I see. The one near me is apparently endless and will continue interring new folks for a long time to come. Very different vibe if that's all in the past.

I can't help but picture him as Terry Richardson.