Oh also, they straight up hire out their facilities for weddings. Sounds like they actually do welcome visitors and activity beyond the confines of silent mourning.
Oh also, they straight up hire out their facilities for weddings. Sounds like they actually do welcome visitors and activity beyond the confines of silent mourning.
Yah, I hang out a lot in a big, famous-name-filled cemetery elsewhere in the state, and there are always tons of young goths taking photos in front of the more ornate mausoleums. When I'm hiking around there, I try to be respectful by steering clear of the newer areas where there are mourners, and never stepping on…
I've been having such a great time bombing interviews and hearing my friends talk about the meaningful stuff they do all day at work while I'm at home trying to learn marketable computer skills! It's just been a barrel of laughs & comfort since I got laid off. *sigh*
Yah, my main concern here is "can I avoid this fate, myself?"
Hah. So true. I dressed sloppy in college and was made so miserable/despised/ignored at places like 330 Ritch. Then I got it together and got a haircut and all that jazz, and suddenly I was the toast of the Cat Club/Arrow/hipster shithole #137.
For grades 7-12, I was only around boys in choir & drama and I can't even fathom what it's like to deal with their sexist BS all day. It was definitely a tremendous boon not to have them drowning out all other viewpoints in academic classes!
And the Babalu!
If I had a nickel for each time that happened to me in my 20s...
Oh my God can we just scrap this rite of passage and have secular bat mitzvahs for all, or something? I had the same thing happen to me in 7th grade, at my 12th birthday party. My sister orchestrated it.
Yep. Usually when I have to explain my celebrity crush as "the guy who plays Loki," your average woman's response is something along the lines of, "what? ew." haha
Awww, poor kiddo.
Yah, like, what am I supposed to contribute to that conversation when I think I look AWESOME? Time to shut up and dance, I guess.
Yah, the comments people make to me now that I'm thin seem much more intrusive and spiteful than the odd, rude remark from a guy when I was larger. The difference is that the commenters seem spiteful toward themselves when I'm thin and spiteful toward me, when I'm not. Either way, it's totally inappropriate to comment…
I like to try and change the subject whenever a woman of any size brings up the subject of weight. There is no graceful way to handle it.
I feel you. That sudden "I never liked you" bullshit from a supposed best friend is the worst kind of rejection!
Shit, I'm 31 and I'm STILL hurt that the girl I thought was my best friend in grade six secretly hated me and dumped me when we got to junior high. To think an adult would betray someone in that same way...
More like "you may fire when ready," am I right?
And Jasmine looks Indian instead of Iraqi. Modeled on a Bollywood star for some reason, maybe?
Hah! I was thinking he looked like John Turturro.
Yah, sometimes they get to raise future seeing-eye dogs. Might make for a crowded cell, but having an animal to take care of really adds to a person's quality of life.