
Ignore the PC peasants, they are simply upset that games keep getting remade with better graphics on the PS4. Glorious Master PS4 Race!

Ps4 please!

They fight like little girls.

So basically, because I only have about $12 in my bank (I'm between paydays), I'm not going to be able to play the game I ALREADY PAID FOR until next week when I have enough to cover the authorization?

"Yes" or "no" does what a review should do—it tells you whether that reviewer thinks a game is worth your time or not. It also forces you to read reviews and be more informed about a game before you buy it, rather than just buying a game because it has a higher score than its competitors.

5760 x 1080 across 3, 42 inch screens. Not me, but just highlighting a high end goat experience.

But your name implies you possess land and wealth.

I always thought that a WW2 game about breaking out of a German POW camp would be pretty good. Based almost entire about sneaking your way and across Germany to France. Stealing clothing, blending in, getting supplies, and finding helpful people across the way. It would probably be pretty hard to pull off a game like

He's obviously not here for a story.

Facebook is a company that just spent two billion dollars it made selling data mined from its userbase.

I've given up energy drinks. Next step is to give up soda too. I've also gotten back on the bicycle, mostly because my car burned to the ground a couple of days ago.

I regret nothing.

"We don't play beyond the first 10%. There is not a single game in my steam collection I've finished. Not ONE. And I almost always buy full price. There are many games I've played for under 30 minutes, some for under 10 minutes. They may have wonderful endings, who cares? I have another X games sat there I can

I'm more curious if there has ever been a hacker in the world that needed to 2 hand a trackpad.

How about an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan, please? Maybe a bit sacrilegious, but you could set it during the time of Christian missionary efforts to covert Japanese citizens to the faith with Templar subterfuge in the background. Could offer an alternate explanation as to why Christianity, and by association the

I want the following guaranteed before I back.

Can you only play it for a few months each year?

Ugh, this many feels