
Um, in the meantime...Witcher on PS3 or PS4? Maybe? Please?

I feel like some of the more zealous and disappointed theorists of True Detective are from a generation which has been fed lazy writing which states EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.

The repeating levels is probably the biggest reason I stayed away. Shit like that ruins games, like Dead Space 3. But taking the feedback in this talkback into consideration, I might give the game a chance, seeing as it shuns the generic save the world plot...

Ok, you're seriously making me re-consider skipping it, because I loathe save the world plots. Good to hear it tries something else. Might have to check it out afterall, if it has the ambition to tell a story that us puny humans can relate to.

Hopefully I won't have to play DA2 to understand the story in part 3? So many bad reviews of 2, I skipped it.

I love the stealth and combat of the Arkham games, but I hate the world they're attached to. The characters, their dialogue, the scooby-doo story, it's awful and I cannot stand the Joker, argh.

Just want to point out to people who had a problem with Neo's powers in the real world: humans jacking into the matrix were doing so wirelessly. Neo's power was just an extension of that, instead of wirelessly connecting to the matrix, he was wirelessly connecting to the sentinels to destroy them.

For me it wasn't so much the pace, but more that the beginning is about the character tackling problems, going from a to b; it's pure plot and there's very little emotion or character development on the page. We don't really know much about the main character and so it's hard to care whether he survives or not. The

Red Letter Media's Plinkett reviews are the only thing you need to watch to understand the SW prequels.

Yeah, I was worried it was just going to be pure plot and calculations, but thankfully the author brings in the human element, as cliched as that sounds. Can't imagine it as a movie without cutting out lots of scenes though, would work better as a TV series.

I'm reading The Martian by Andy Weir, which is basically Apollo 13 on crack. Starts off a bit too dry and technical for my liking, but 10% into the book (kindle!) it starts to get epic.

I hadn't played MGS3, so to go from 2 to 4, I literally had no idea WTF was going on in the convoluted story. Gameplay was great, what little of it there was, but yeah count me as disappointed in MGS4.

Why's everyone mentioning MGS4? Wasn't that an interactive anime?

Dave Eggers' The Circle is the modern 1984. Absolutely terrifying.

Please no more prequels, they're a bane on storytelling, devoid of tension and ultimately ruin franchises with their shoehorning universe-shrinking retcons.

Couldn't even finish it. Gave a scathing review lambasting the stupid bloom effects and boss fights. Grr.

Actually AC:B is still going strong online, on PS3 anyway. The only trophy I'm missing is the one that requires you to get something like 15 bonuses in a game, which is near impossible. Just gave up. Thankfully the online trophies for Revelations weren't so annoying, somehow managed to platinum that one.

I borrowed Last of Us when I played it. Do I need the disc to play the DLC?

Waiting for the inevitable overpriced goat armor DLC.

Oh Lauren I could hug you, used to love this franchise as a kid. I would bring in the Chronicles trilogy to read at primary school (like age 9), and my teacher would try to gently inform me it might be too heavy going for me. Nonsense!