
I hadn't played MGS3, so to go from 2 to 4, I literally had no idea WTF was going on in the convoluted story. Gameplay was great, what little of it there was, but yeah count me as disappointed in MGS4.

Why's everyone mentioning MGS4? Wasn't that an interactive anime?

Please no more prequels, they're a bane on storytelling, devoid of tension and ultimately ruin franchises with their shoehorning universe-shrinking retcons.

Couldn't even finish it. Gave a scathing review lambasting the stupid bloom effects and boss fights. Grr.

Actually AC:B is still going strong online, on PS3 anyway. The only trophy I'm missing is the one that requires you to get something like 15 bonuses in a game, which is near impossible. Just gave up. Thankfully the online trophies for Revelations weren't so annoying, somehow managed to platinum that one.

I borrowed Last of Us when I played it. Do I need the disc to play the DLC?

Waiting for the inevitable overpriced goat armor DLC.

Protip: If you stop linking to these petty humourless videos, they'll eventually stop making them.

I've been making my way chronologically through the Assassin's Creed franchise and have finally made it to Revalations, which is easily the best one so far. The first game was so problematic, I thought it was a horribly frustrating experience, and for a while I thought I was crazy for thinking that because the

So kinda like the GT5 Prologue of the MGS franchise. Does not bode well, but at least MGS: GZ will be an entertaining short ride.

I used to devour comments on Kotaku. Since Kinja I just skim for ten seconds then close the page. This system just does the exact opposite of make you want to read comments. So much scrolling and clicking and greyed out comments, it's a clusterfuck.

It's seriously the worst multiplayer experience I've endured, populated by mean-spirited cynical people. Barely anyone sounds like they're even enjoying themselves, it's just a buggy convoluted mess.

Gomorrah Casino, for example, is full of bland rooms and hallways which look identical, the pip-boy map isn't very detailed, and the map marker for NPCs or exits doesn't tell you which floor they're on. I mean I'm never lost so bad that I can't find my way out, but sometimes there's trial and error to find where the

I tried to articulate what I mean here. I just want a more immersive experience, even if it is just hiding a basic concept.

Ah, you're right I forgot it's an Obsidian joint, my bad. But still, Skyrim didn't really feel like an evolution of Fallout and Oblivion, you're just asked by NPCs to kill people or fetch items, essentially that's it. People like to praise the games for being 'complex', but when you boil down to it, it's just a set of

I'm playing Fallout: New Vegas which is awful. Worst acting and graphics I've seen on the PS3. A boring retread of Fallout 3. I'm getting tired of Bethesda's rote 'kill/fetch' games. :|

Forcing someone to play a game with such a lousy mini-map should be punishable, it is true.

I'm 50% into GTA5, and I'm gonna be controversial and say: Sleeping Dogs was a better game. Best car radio station selection ever. I would rather more DLC for the HK epic instead.

Can we just move on from destroying New York already? I've never even step foot there in reality yet I'm already bored of the place. I was hoping Sleeping Dogs would usher in a trend of more international locations...

The Last of Us: Japan