Shh, it doesnt count if they “prescribe” them to you.
Shh, it doesnt count if they “prescribe” them to you.
The difference is that drivers or large trucks in the military arent known for using uppers to get places because of their ridiculous schedules.
Because 18 year olds on speed and other uppers is exactly what we need driving gigantic trucks. Nope, no thanks. I agree that it has nothing to do with age but trucking doesnt exactly pull in the cream of the crop.
is it as easy to use as 123?
Also, I dont wanna be gray on Jalopnik! I lurves it. I dont car about grayness on Gawker or Giz or whatever.
I honestly thought that the original car was real
Im (not so) secretly hoping this becomes a giant robot arms race.e
Thats because the top one is a short ram intake, not a cold air intake. Supposed to increase airflow whole doing nothing for temperature.
It just looks like it was thrown together in some hicks garage out of spare parts. It looks cheap and tacky and terrible.
Its the latter since the rest of that sentence was referencing what the old ideal was.
I am so jealous right now its not even funny. All those cars are dream cars. Can I be your friend?
Hard work, lots of testing and innovation.
Why? We’ve got millions doing that already while what he is doing has long term benefits not just for our country but for humanity as a whole.
+1 and F-16’s My two most favourite planes in the US
Oh god I want it, I assume its not US bound since we hate hatches.
Props to the dude because you sound exhausting.
God what a douche