
I absolutely love how that looks

Uh, did that front bit adjust itself or what?

Speak for yourself, I think it looks great.

But they look and perform awesome. If Ferrari strapped machine guns to their cars I wouldnt like them any less.

Why is gawker doing this to me?

The real reason is because they make the plane less sexy obviously. All the other excuses are gibberish.


Here in Puerto Rico its the same. Parts are 65, but everyone does 60 and under in those bits and 55 and under in the rest. With all the hispanic ricers you see in those fast and furious movies you would think they would drive faster than old women but nope. Mind numbingly infuritatingly slow. Its like they think their

You make me irrationally angry.

You make me irrationally angry.

This isnt twitter, gtfo with that hashtag shit.

This isnt twitter, gtfo with that hashtag shit.

That is way too many acronyms in one post . Clearly I dont have any of those.

Yeah I agree. Im a new player and because of life I am pretty casual. Im trying to make an MMO work and bought the expansion but damn do they make it a long journey.

Forget the blackjack.

And worth every penny.

You need to GTFO. That shit is awesome. He could sell that for a pretty penny.

I would buy the shit out of this in a hurry. Modern tapestry!

I was in Peru late last year an am jealous that I didnt get to do that. It sounds like an amazing experience, just the kind of thing that Im a sucker for.

Not like that I dont. Ill never understand you obsession with these things. Cars are there to get you from point A to B in the easiest most comfortable way possible, while most of the cars you feature are pointless wasteful manual monstrosities. What’s the point of all that power really, besides wasting an already

I still like the car.

What point? You dont ever have to make babies. Most of the ones ive made up to now have been accidental and i have 112+ people in my vault.