
You have the answer in your first sentence "If this is a gadget blog". A blog. Not a newspaper, or a scientific journal, or a magazine. A blog is a bunch of guys posting shit they find interesting, in this case a bunch of guys that like gadgets. But, and get this, hey also find shit that is not gadgets interesting!

I like the " just pure ignorance" followed by "fucking piece of shit nigger, 9/11 was fucking awesome should happen again.."

You could argua that I guess, but that 50 extra horsepower really brings the car alive when you want it most. ITs not about being a drag car, look at the s2000 for instance. Arguably it has the ideal hp ratio for these types of cars and that makes it that much better. Its why ill buy an s2000 but not a toyobaru until

a turbo. Plenty of quick 4 cylinders out there.

Im not sure what these guys are on about, literally every review that ive watched agrees that it needs about 50 more hp.

You are going to be super bored. Theres nothing to do there now.

Also, There was no gore. Possibly dead and injured, yes. More like videos of alot of people running around with the occasional glimpse of someone hurt.

Ive had both but for now nvidia drivers give me the least headaches.

560ti, and every 2 generations or so.

Stop deluding yourself.

cause tigers are scary, yo

I assume its because people only classify a language as a real language if its spoken by real people instead of made up in a fantasy story.

Hes Dead. Seriously. Its GRRM. He might be a wight though.

Look, it was a straight road and the lambo wasnt exactly a blur of speed or can you not see cars moving on the highway. Whatever the mazda driver might have assumed that he had time unless he was a cyclops he has this thing called spacial recognition.

Not only is it the combined speed of both cars, but the car was meant to come apart in a case like this to protect the driver from the engine.

This is more or less what I got too. Its a bummer that people are saying that the lambo was going much too fast when in reality it doesnt seem that way, its just a case of the lambo looking like its going fast.

Seriously. Obvious clickbait is obvious.

yes for ipad 2

I swear my wallpapers look grainy now, I think its becasue the parallax zooms a bit.

Who cares? Its ramen not fin caviar, people will do what they like best.