"if disciplinary action will be taken" Wut?
"if disciplinary action will be taken" Wut?
Its going to be in the next Tron movie.
My ex topped off her oil with anti-freeze
Sarcasm? I dont get your meaning
Wooow I have never wanted to punch someone more, besides that prius lady.
Yea, it seemed like they were antagonizing him.
Seriously. Same in Puerto Rico
1. They didnt hit any children in this video so i dunno why you bring it up.
Im just making the same broad over-generalization as him, of course there are girls that like games.
You realize that girls think the same of games right? Stop overcompensating please.
And maybe he only assumed that when they said "lost" they meant totaled not lost over the side.
Seriously. I dont understand why Microsoft doesnt just make their console exclusives desktop exclusives as well. Say they make them timed exclusives, first on the 360/ONE and then on Desktops/Windows 8 store. That would at least give people more incentive to buy into Windows 8 and PC's as a platform instead of simply…
I only seems more commonplace because of the internet.
Good thing you spoke out about it because saying a veteran used a machine gun when it wasnt even a machine gun isnt creating click bait at all. It certaintly didnt propagate the "crazed gun toting veteran" thing at all in order to get page views.
what in gods name is that?
And if his business was failing your argument would be valid. But lo! his business is fine.
I dont get how that opinion isnt honest.
Selfishness? This isnt a charity. Razer is a company that he build himself, so obviously it will include his interests, he is under no obligation to make anything. If you want them so bad then you go make a company that makes PS3 stuff.