
It’s absolutely phenomenal that the guy claiming to be seeking justice for a rape survivor immediately switches to sexually abusive language when he’s challenged.

I apologize if I jumped the gun with the assumption to you were calling me a “victim blaimer”. It‘s just I get a bit defensive when someone accuses me of that, and I thought that was the road you were headed down.

If you read Saunders article you’d realize at various points he confronted Trump supporters with anecdotes about specific individuals that caused them to feel sympathy. It’s actually a well documented truth that Republicans generally only see their immediate surroundings and care about them. As such, when Saunders put

I’d say only a few of these pieces deserve to be totally dismissed.

i hear you, and just to be clear, I don’t read anything you’ve said as victim blaming. I just can’t get behind the questioning of the victim’s decisions over questioning the institutions or people that got them hurt in the first place. I stayed up most of the night Tuesday saying the same thing about Alton Sterling.

It’s still a far stretch from the “victim blamer” label a lot of commenters casually toss about whenever someone questions a victim’s motivation.

I’ve tried to point this out to many people anytime a Black Widow fighting style argument comes up, but no one ever believes me! Yes, woman can kick the ass of a much larger male! Science, bitches!

It’s also often false. I’m a white liberal, and guess what; I live in a neighborhood with huge amounts of recent immigrants, where I am distinctly a minority. I also know multiple other white liberals where this is true.

This is one of my least favorite conservative arguments — that liberals are disingenuous in their racial progressiveness, with the implication being that conservatives shouldn’t have to feel guilty for their prejudices because liberals are really prejudiced too. “It’s okay that we’re racist because we’re honest about

See, this is part of the problem - dismissing most Trump voters as just dumb racists doesn’t examine how Trump is able to rally them and how we can stop it.

It’s incredibly impressive because it requires completely destroying the laws of physics, but having the right finesse to not snap his neck since this is just a sparring match not a fight to the death.

Ha. It’s a judo demonstration. My guess is we usually see women do it because guys are too heavy. Judo is all about redirecting the momentum of the opponent to fuck them up! Case in point.

Got to disagree here. I thought the primary function of Saunder’s piece was to humanize, to put a few faces and stories to the blobs we assign as “Other”. It was an important reminder that no matter where you fall—right, left, cop, protester, Trump, anti-Trump—there are always people on the other side with their own

what is this gif, considering I now want to devote my life to it.

I always assumed the climbing-legs-around-the-neck takedown was an invention of fight choreographers in film so they can have the sexy lady star make full use of her body in an attack. Kinda cool to see it in its natural habitat.

I think it’s hard for white men living in ostensibly progressive enclaves (like me) to understand where the huge numbers of white racist trolls come from, because the racist white trolls had removed themselves from our enclaves - they moved to the suburbs and exurbs over the last 50 years. They are white flight

Really excellent piece.

It might be fun to have secrets of Fox News exposed. If there really is a rule that anchorwomen are not allowed to wear skirts that fall below the knee, now is the time it will be leaked.

Anyone who thinks that way is an asshole but I wouldn’t put it past Ailes and the other blowhards over there to think that working at a conservative network would protect their lecherous behavior from being exposed because of the type of women they would hope Faux News would attract. I’m just so happy that these women

She definitely didn’t get what she deserved. I will say I’m utterly unsurprised that one of the biggest bastions of conservative thinking also happens to be one of the biggest bastions of unrefined sexism, misogyny and male entitlement to women’s bodies, and that this was about as predictable a story as finding out