
Hope your “conscience” can survive the collateral damage (I.e. Fucking up other people's lives) that your selfish decision will help to cause.

JFC, try thinking about other people for a change. You might be fine hitting “rock bottom” again, but are you willing to fuck over other people’s lives as well? The President alone can fuck things up enough, but he isn’t alone. He’s got the rest of the GOP to help him, in Congress, in SCOTUS (no doubt), in state

Thank you! I just posted about this to @CreateABernEkoAccount above. People are losing sight of the very real lives at stake here. We are being blinded by his reality tv show campaign. It's not funny anymore. He's a train wreck about to happen and there will be casualties. We have to stamp this in every thread to

That’s fucked up. Those are the words and mindset of a selfish and thoughtless child. Do you have any idea how many peoples literal lives are at stake here? All over the country women’s reproductive rights are being hacked away at at an alarming rate. Those idiotic bathroom laws will become commonplace. Men, women,

How could you possibly know that this is exactly the reason she stayed? You can't. It's pure speculation and assumption.

And no ones allowed to change, evolve, or learn something new? People change. Obama is a different person then he was when he first got into office.

Come on, a) it was her husband of many years b) she’s human and has the right to her reactions and emotions c) maybe she believed him or believed it was all consensual d) the whole fiasco was a mess of epic proportion due to Kenneth Stars vendetta against the Clintons and his own glory-hounding ego.

That’s not funny at all. Those are the words and mindset of a selfish and thoughtless child. Do you have any idea how many peoples literal lives are at stake here? All over the country women’s reproductive rights are being hacked away at at an alarming rate. Those idiotic bathroom laws will become commonplace. Men,

I spent over 5 years with a boyfriend that cheated on me 4 times. I forgave him all those times; he made excuses for his behavior, I made excuses for him, I knew subconsciously it was on him, but I still worried it was me, I loved him and thought he loved me they were just mistakes lapses in judgement and hell yeah I

OMG 😂👏🏼🙊🎯‼️⭐️

Where?? What's the name of it?? Is it online?? PLEASE TELL ME ITS ONLINE!

Maybe this will help you understand what everyone is trying to explain to you:

It’s been 20 years (as of this year 😭) since I got totally burned out by practice and training and shows and took a “break”... that lasted 20 years. It's a big regret for me.

Men can and do use dildos and vibrators, usually with a partner. And it is more socially acceptable for women to use them, as evidenced by the fact that there are Tupperware-type parties solely for women. Therefore, your logic is faulty.

You’re right, and she’s mostly wrong. As you’ve observed, she’s arguing a completely different...subject.

I think there is a bigger discussion to be had here. The word robot can describe many different...objects, for lack of a better term. A vibrator is a simple electronic machine, much like an electric razor, or toothbrush, none of which are robots. Robotics are far more complex, and are computer controlled.

You’re half right and half wrong. The dictionary defines it as thus:

OMG don’t even get me started on this. It might be the single most EXASPERATING subject to try and rationally discuss with people. I believe all of it - viagra, cialis, contraception, plan B, condoms and [I’m going to say it] abortion and the abortion pill should be covered. Also, prosthetics. Once it’s attached to

Oh, I forgot, I have also been called sexist because I said that women should take basic precautions when going out, partying, or frankly, when going anywhere. OBVIOUSLY, it is NEVER a victims fault if they are assaulted, raped, mugged, burglarized, etc.; it is ALWAYS on the perpetrator NO MATTER WHAT. That being

I understand 😕. Just because you have a differing opinion on something does not mean that you are sexist/racist/misogynist/misandrist etc etc. Those kinds of words have very specific contexts and should be used sparingly, and against true offenders, otherwise they lose all meaning and impact. I find that many times