Delay, rehearse - all the same.
Delay, rehearse - all the same.
Shut your filthy pirate whore mouth - hockey is the most sacred of the sports involving frozen water.
Interesting use of 2 of my statements - one does not preclude the other, but at least you are giving it the old 3rd grade try.
“This” idle gossip is exactly the kind of publicity that primps and puffs up those POS no talent rich kids.
Rich people’s stupid kids do not qualify as “newsworthy”.
I have not seen 1 second of film/video where I believed Emma Roberts has ANY discernible talent. If her last name was Smith, she’d be junior fry cook at Wendys. Her “performance” in AHS Freak Show was cringe inducing.
Nasty old skank w/ ZERO vocal talent, a face like a can of crushed assholes & the worst case of resting or active bitch face ever.
If she gotten the roles that the dreadful Emma Roberts got, I’d be OK with it.
My guess?
Not sure why, but a link on this page made my anti-virus go bonkers - immediately gave me a “link blocked” message.
Or gay...
The Church’s teaching is that if you are homosexual, you’re called to celibacy. If you’re not celibate, you’re a sinner like any other of the sexual rules. If you confess, you’ll be forgiven, as with any sin.
Great idea - too bad the guys in charge of making/enforcing the rules make damned sure the rules don’t apply to themselves.
Not a friggin’ chance that lipsynching has-been even knows how to correctly spell “mathematics”, never mind work with that degree of technical expertise.
Me too...
The scene where he forgoes further dalliance w/ bartender hottie chick to stay with his emotionally “dead” girlfriend was really touching.
It’s a perfectly cromulent word
If there was coke involved, that was just Kate being “Kate”.