
Kim Kardashian said North West’s birth was “the most painful experience” of her life. [THG]

For what it is worth, this guy is a lawyer.

Her eyes are devoid of any spark or depth - like a shark’s.

So, when he kills his family/dog/neighbours (or all 3) and then himself, the NFL will pay all affected parties HUGE sums of $ because they know what hppens to a mans brain after that many concussions and assume the moral/financial risk that we, as a society, face from those affected by repeated brain trauma?

$5 says he’s had more than just his own cock in his mouth...

I actually knew this - older story.

A Canuck here - pretty excited about Trudeau’s win, his predecessor was a RWNJ faux xtian POS lying rat bastard (his GOOD qualities).

I see what you did there - that’s a good one!

Wow - my guess is heavily xtian area, heavily Republican & heavily related to each other. Do I get a prize?

The Pan-Am games held here recently asked local bands to play at the events “for exposure”.

Yes - I was interested in joining a small start-up electronics recycle biz, and offered to do a 2 week, unpaid, work term to allow a mutual “reviewing” of both sides performance & worth. I was to be semi-partner, great $ & bonuses.

Cough - paid to shut up - cough

Complete aside from current topic - pretty sure that was Cumberbatch’s real life Mom & Dad in that gif - they played Sherlocks parents in 1 episode. Sherlock told Watson they were his parents.

Real world - that ends in 10 seconds. Like Rhonda Rousey fighting a blind girl guide. Damn, that guy is massive.

Absolut vodka corrupts Absolutly...

Who doesn’t?

The one from “Michael” was about anal sex, amirite???

My eldest son is fixated on this cat.

I’m an “all in” friend - you need it, you got it - no questions asked.