“Don’t want to treat certain people equally under the law? Then those certain people shouldn’t be required to pay taxes.”
“Don’t want to treat certain people equally under the law? Then those certain people shouldn’t be required to pay taxes.”
Can’t. Stop. Playing. This. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And...
She was an old ho’ - no loss...
The only parts of “PF” I found unwatchable were the scenes with Bruce Willis & his french paramour baby talking to each other.
Why is ANYONE named Jenner or Kardashian famous?
“suspended his business relationship”
In other news - OJ says “Ya, Nicole called me the N word, too!”
Remember that most companies “customer disservice” lines will give you a message that your call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes - that is enough to allow YOU to record them w/o warning them.
Oh, what I’d give to be a major HR/recruiter when the first of these “scholars” lists Beyoink as a major.
These shows baffle me - never seen either the M or F versions, but the premise is ludicrous, the participants highly duplicitous & the results ALWAYS end up with a non-match.
“Lower Mandible” one wins just for the sheer horror from the mental image...
“cue the outrage”
Jolene - great song. Have you heard the “slowed” version? Haunting.
Hmmmm - minor Cdn talent, major producer hubby, used her big cans & medium voice to achieve temporary fame.
Zero talent, massive ego
Women, actively seeking sex?
Marcel Schrodinger’s cat used to piss in my garden - I hated that damn cat
I know a fair deal about “MonSatan”, thanks very much - having a bought & paid for SCOTUS spokesman has certainly paid off for them (you?).