2’ 3”
2’ 3”
It’s all about somebody making $$$ - they pay some of the profit to lobbyists, who pay it to politicians, who then make the laws benefiting the makers/purveyors of deadly products
Banning unsafe chemicals would affect some US corporations bottom line - hence it will NOT happen.
Me. Her. 17. Back of a Ford Pinto. Drive-in movie. Epic thunder & lightning storm. Finished to notice that cars on both sides had been watching via strobe light lightning flashes the whole time. Epic grinning & thmbs up from witnesses. Stayed for the rest of movie. She was mortified. I was secretly honored.
Yup - if it inconveniences you or costs you, they could care less.
Guess Who will be replacing him...
I worked for a company once that missed a payroll - none of the staff got their checks. The entire staff pushed back their chairs, took off headsets & did NOTHING as the phones rang and customers went unhelped (telecom biz, all phone based).
The refurbed Leaf 50 is not $35 as stated - $50 is price on Amazon.
The refurbed Leaf 50 is not $35 as stated - $50 is price on Amazon.
Dash & Carson are 21st century version of the Vichy regime. Collaborators, turning against their own, for personal gain. What else could convince them to throw their lot behind a system that categorically denies the value of black lives, denigrates the plight of poor urban families & slashes already meager support…
+1 for Farrah’s drugged/drunk appearance merged into Foo’s song
Second funniest Einstein of all time - and NO, I don’t mean his brother, Albert - the other Albert
Most appearances other than Dave & Paul?
Goopy. must. die.
Cool story, bro...
aka Cops
I wouldn’t bang her with his dick