Great - thanks
Great - thanks
I instantly thought "Florida"
I have zero issues with CB being refused entry - now if they'd stop Bieber from coming back, I'd really be happy...
The ignorance of "learned" politicians never ceases to amaze me...
More like $3,000 dinners, new car, hookers & blow for all his buddies
Just a slightly grammatically better version of the Nigerian Prince scams
Fox went to court to prove they have no obligation to be honest - so they aren't
Bill is RWNJ royalty - no way they would demand accountability from him
In any organized, hierarchical religion, suppressing reports of sexual assault, pedophilia, spousal abuse, assault, financial impropriety is essential to maintaining the "religious integrity".
Thanks very much for this
Does Bobby Bottleservice know???
Maybe they just DGAF
I've worked in tech support for both IT and telecom cust support. Anyone who tells you the companies CAN'T identify who changed this info is LYING
Melanin 1 hour before bed
Ms. Jones seems to have been adversely affected by her famous black father & his serial baby making with 5 white women (exclusively), in a series of relatively short term relationships.
"The likelihood of said event is NIL", is what I meant
No - I have never had that pleasant surprise.
What is that fungus covering her bewbz & fun holes???
She'll get ANOTHER break...