
I saw those guys at Streets too — I had no idea they could hold up to the sport bikes before I saw it there.

I race cars, and with motorcycles I'm a fairly competent street rider, but stuff like this is why I will never cease to have the most immense respect for pro motorcycle racers. Incredible racing with virtually zero margin for error. To watch Marquez jump the wall, sprint down pit-lane and then immediately ride the

Quid Bro Quo is the phrase of the day

Just have to go to Ana Carrasco to figure out the solution. Like a boss before she turned 18. No one can complain about objectifying either gender anymore at this point...OK, I admit one woman hasn't changed the world, but go her. Grid girls are whatever. I can understand getting rid of them. Giving a fan a chance is

I feel having more beautiful people around to look at is great for everyone. I was hoping they'd double-down and bring bros onto the grid to join the ladies so everyone has nice scenary to look at. I call that plan Grid Bro Quo.

Now playing

Prepare to get angry. This is the worst dashcam I've seen in a while.

Having just driven The Ring (for the first time) in September, I can completely attest to how insane this is to attempt to pass on the right. All of the rules stated when you get onto the track say "Pass on the left, and when you have intent to pass, put on your turn indicator". NO ONE will be looking on the right

It's easy (and by that I mean extremely tedious and time consuming) to condense 1710 minutes of racing over a season down to 3 minutes of highlights. All of that footage was from the actual broadcasts, he's not showing us anything we hadn't already seen.

Now playing

Marc Marquez during one of the MotoGP practices.

Guys that use the suction cup need to be beaten with the go pro. Same goes if you use the glue on plate and DO NOT TETHER the freaking camera. Come on guys, $1.00 in freaking string to properly tether it to the vehicle. You attach, tether and tape the housing closed.


MR2 or CRX, and I haven't seen all the posts loaded up, I shall choose...


The MR2 started life at the top of its game.

The AW11 MR2.

This is pretty sweet!

False the Juke is not better looking than any car.