
I reject the underlying idea that the scope of political thought is a one-dimensional quality running from"Liberal" to "Conservative."

What about the non-drunkard who does not want to live in a police state?
What if I want to be left alone as I drive to work and home?

If you want to catch drunks, do that. Pull them over when they cross the center line, respond to reports to 911, don't hassle me on my way to work.

The Doberhuahua appears to understeer a bit.

Am I missing something here?

1953 - a 155 bph, sedan chassis-based, parts bin special.

How about putting an actual fucking race car driver in the movie? Instead of some old fucking asshat that still jumps on the furniture.

"Traffic jams gone". I doubt it. You're not decreasing the volume of cars on the road.

In memorium, let's all sing our favorite dealership song...

Any chance of a Los Angeles event? Pretty pretty please??

Is, and has been since I'm 5, a 288GTO. Somehow in all of the car shows that I have been to, I have never come across one in person. Never could get this car out of my head, and I had the poster on my wall for my entire childhood.

2014 Corolla: "I've Settled for Less"

A microwave makes perfect sense. It's faster, more efficient and is a progression in tech. I am big fan of grilling. with everything, times are changing. We are still able to cook our food...just not like we used to.

Libertarian party doesn't look so bad now does it?

Now playing

I've waited what felt like a long time for this album, and I wasn't disappointed. That said, you definitely need to play the whole album through two or three times. I did that and then picked out different songs individually. It really is great. I got the CD last Monday an it's been pretty much the only music I've

and that's why you should always leave a note.

All of these are just twitter-based shorthand. They don't apply to any other form of social interaction that i know of, except maybe FTW or some of the other common ones. Basically, every tweet I see looks like it came from the mind of a 14 year old valley girl. No self-respecting adult should be tweeting,

In all fairness, Patrick, you really do need to use some music in most cases, otherwise the editing will sound like shit. We try to use as much exhaust note as possible, but it really does improve the flow of a video, fill in gaps in background noise when needed, and provide something fluid against which to cut. There

Sacrilege. $kaycog, please don't ruin a lady friend for this person.