
He wasn’t a n00b and he knew the track really well. Probably just pushing the limit. Or maybe just forgot to take the drywall out of the back for that lap.

He wasn’t pulling away so much as I was creating space to A) see around him, and B) give myself room to accelerate for the pass, but yes, he is a very good driver considering the equipment.

Not bad at all considering... I was apprehensive to pass him because I wasn’t confident in his rearward visibility and he was aiming for every apex.

Now playing

This guy is a regular. I was behind him for a few seconds in my pilgrimage to the ‘Ring back in Oct 2014... FF to 1:30 to check him out in my dash cam.

Now playing

Love Archer... Love them even more now that they ripped off our idea to remake the Magnum intro 6 years ago (was part of our audition video to be on “Bullrun”)

It’s plausible, but not likely. Rossi will spend at least the first 4-5 laps fighting through the field, by that time the factory Hondas, Ducatis and Jorge will be 20+ seconds up the road. A near impossible feat to catch them, let alone pass 2 or 3 of them in the remaining 15 laps.

Full disclosure. I’m a long time Rossi fan. I think Marc is an incredible talent but has always shown flashes of immaturity in his riding. I hope that one day he’ll get over that. When watching the race live, I couldn’t believe what I had seen. I initially thought like everyone else, commentator’s journalists,

Bought an 89 Integra hatch at a police auction once for $1600. Found a 9mm handgun wrapped in a shirt, stashed in the spare tire well.

I'm going to choose to believe that this position means Mazda is developing an all new RX7 and they don't want to poach sales from their self with a more expensive MX5

Generally speaking, bike track days are already pretty well culled of douchebaggary. It’s rare that the squids want to go through all of the hassles of making the bike pass tech (more involved than a car), paying for the track day, or owning all of the necessary gear. Thankfully, 99% of riders who show up for a track

Worst track day video? Come on with the hyperbole.. sure he got a bit of the red mist when the GT3 passed him... sure it’s plain to see that he has no idea what a racing line is... sure he’s driving with the radio on and has a very weak instructor, but none of these things make it the worst track day video ever. There

The idiots in Sacramento would have you believe that if you DON’T wash your own car, somehow we will be saved from the EPIC mismanagement of water resources by our state government.

Misleading headline. Everyone already knows how awesome endurance racing is to DO and to watch in condensed portions. I came here to find out what kind of nut job would sit and watch all 24 hours and your answer: “I don’t” wtf?

I agree with this post for the most part. Especially these examples. I was admittedly a bit more like this in my younger days, but weren’t we all? When I’m riding, I consider it my job, nay, my duty, to identify, avoid, and be completely unbothered by an asshat who would have run me over had I simply been following

I’m all for discussion and certainly am not calling for anyone to stfu. But when I posted this I didn’t see too many of those “let’s find some reasonable ways we can improve safety” comments you're speaking of. There was much more actual hate for the organizers and the govt and anyone who could allow these atrocities

There’s an awful lot of hate on here. Look, TT racing is different from circuit racing. It’s inherently ridiculously dangerous. It has more in common with base jumping and wing suiting than GP motorcycle racing. There are no illusions of safety. Stop trying to protect everyone from themselves. Is it tragic that this

There, I fixed it for you. No effing way should anyone’s first car cost anywhere near $25k. There are so many lessons to be learned from driving a less than perfect beater. One more thing wrong with the current generation.

So hard to measure, no one knows.

The RSR Nurburg videos were worth their weight in gold when I was preparing for my trip to the ‘ring. I can also attest to how easy it is to unsettle the car with throttle lift at the foxhole! Luckily a little oppo and I was back in action without too much trouble but it’s definitely a corner I was aware of next time

Apologies for the vaguely sexist comment but in my early 20’s when the 1st gen G35 came out, my car buddies and I used to use use the term “G35” as a euphemism in place of “butterface” because from the back it looked so good but from the front it was so hideous. Then the G37 came out and they decided to make the back