Chuck Anders

This was local to me. Imagine the douchiest person you know and multiply it by 1,000. That’s this kid. Once claimed to be the best “wheel man” in the area because he could do uncontrolled drifts in large parking lots.

Both are what I was told by Ali; I don't know his personal financial needs, but we do know JH owes him over $70,000. What Ali will do with that money isn't the issue.

WTF??!!!...Yet when WE ever mentioned it on your COUNTLESS articles (ads?), we were chastised for bringing up “old news”.

Unfortunately for the Texans, this wasn’t even the worst blowout in Miami today.

As a friend of mine once famously said, “I know Hell is hot, Reverend. What I want to know is, is it humid?”

Nope, the Antarctic is a giant desert, that's not hot, so is Atacama. A desert is defined by lack of precipitation, not heat. N00b.

“Don’t Slam The Door Of Your Dodge Charger Or The Airbag Will Inflate”

Firehoses generally work pretty well at breaking up crowds of hippies. Throw in some soap and they can get their yearly bath too.

Why live in a place that sucks?

I cant stand Piers Morgan

Meanwhile several C7’s are rolling around with 800-900hp with no issues. Mostly because they went to a shop that knows what it’s doing.

My favorite one is where he lists out everything that comes with the “Hennessey” supercharger kit as if it was stuff they threw in when in reality it comes with all supercharger kits.


I feel like "How I Became Your Mother" would have been catchier

It would really take balls to name the show something like that...

Why did Jim Knox go all Australian at the end there?

DESERT? It’s the Bayou City. Capital of the 3rd Coast. Where we ride deep on 24’s and still keep a tight fade. Home of the drop top stadiums. Land of Syrup. Where trunks pop and tops drop. Tippin on 44’s wrapped in fo’ vogues, switchin lanes, drippin stains, dashes all covered in wood grains.

Pfft. Everybody knows the best way to eat wings is with a knife & fork.