
Basically, derpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpaderpa.

I currently pay for PS+, and really enjoy it, so as long as those benefits continue it's not like it'd be a big difference to me, but I can see a mandatory sub fee being a definite hurdle for sales of the PS4 if it's required for online multiplayer. Hidden costs are one of the main reasons none of my friends have

But will people opt out of buying a PS4 specifically because it does carry a mandatory fee to play online? The free online gaming has always been a big selling point for the PS3, especially when the PSN shrugged off its initial "you get what you pay for" quality concern comparisons between itself and XBOX.

Even if he was, that's a mental illness related issue. If they're looking into this just to try and get a better understanding of his motive, sure, I can understand that, but if they're looking for "evidence" to drop a heap of blame on the video games he played, then come on, really?

I'm on the same train. Absolutely loved Xenoblade, and failed to see why there was so much hype behind The Last Story. Maybe I just didn't make it to "the awesome part", but the first many hours were plain enough to make me stop playing, and I haven't gone back yet :/

What Madrock said.

Best laugh I've had in a long time. Thanks :P

I think most people just sub "SMT" for "MegaTen" nowadays. You're absolutely right in that SMT is the flagship series and the rest are technically spinoffs, though when most people use the term "SMT games" nowadays they're just referring the games in the Megami Tensei metaseries. Not technically correct, but it gets

They've still got so many more types to go through, why stop?

Good deal, sounds even better. Thanks!

Bah....I was planning to watch Baccano! on there at some point. I was partway through Monster as well, but haven't watched it in a long time.

For coffee, one cup in the morning (that's cut back from ~2 good sized pots a day, so I'm okay with that :]). In the evening I may have a cup of tea. My go to tea is a black, so still a decent amount of caffeine there, but not as much as coffee, at least.

Anything maple frosted. Then Boston creme. Bam.


He's gone plaid.

I think that's absolutely a big part of it, and rightfully so on a personal rankings list. If we were trying to come to unified agreement on the ranking of the titles in the series, we'd need a lot more standardized of an approach.

While I can only rank the ones I've played, my rankings amongst those is rather easy to come to conclusion on:

With FFXIII, I actually found that the best part of the song often hit at the climax of each battle. It's at that point that your building through the first portion of the battle is paying off, you're in burst mode (or whatever the hell it was called), and you're raining down the hurt on your enemy. The music

Some friends of mine kinda had this idea...but theirs was to drop the trash to the ground and then go down and pick it up to put it in the receptacle. Let's just say that didn't go over as well as this may.

That's a really good idea, haha. I always take the less obvious path, which in this case is of course the right path, since they expect you to take the obvious path. You'd think I'd have learned and started going down the obvious one, but nope. I'll have to turn it on when I go in there now :]