
I'd much rather have the category serve up games for grown-ups than risqué, "adult" games. If I were someone who owned or was in a household with a PS3, but wasn't big into gaming, I know that's where I'd look out of curiosity. You never know who will impulse buy something and get hooked.

I think you'd be surprised. There's a reason this series has gotten so much attention, and I can assure you that attention has next-to-nothing to do with moe/fanservice.

Possibly incorrect? Sure. Horribly incorrect? I highly, highly doubt it.

Monster Hunter cosplay always makes me smile. It also bums me out a bit since it's something that'd be really cool to make and have, but is well beyond my skill set, and rare enough that commissioning a set would be crazy expensive (hell, just making a full suit of armor is probably quite expensive).

And I noticed at 75 that there was a counter in the top right.

It all depends on how you want to look at it. When you realize they're simply paying to see a performance/show, I don't think it's all that weird. People pay money to see non-existent characters play out a fictional plot in movies all the time. If you feel the actors set that apart, consider an animated film. It's

I went with XCOM, though both look great.

**SPOILERS** (I know not for you...but others may stumble into this unawares!)

Really enjoyed the game. Was one of a rare few in the past year or two that have made me break out my 360 again after a long break. Hope he can get back to some semblance of normalcy. He certainly deserves it :]

Of course, right after I write this there's a note on a MH bundle in Japan, and it's just a new Black color. Aka we're definitely not getting a MH themed one here :P

That Mario one is pretty slick. If they end up making a Monster Hunter themed one for the US release of MH3U that miiiight be the nudge that tips me over the fence.

There's a console command that will do this as well. As far as I've been told, this particular command doesn't flag your account as "suspicious" online, but I can't confirm that. I know many of the console commands will, though.

Edit: Nvm this, you already covered what I originally mentioned!

I knew I wouldn't be the only one that had to check.

I would assume part of the Dreamcast's issue was that there was pretty much zero copy protection on the games. Download the image of a game, burn it to disc, pop it in, goooo! Even if it sold the units, a huge chunk of its customer base pirated the crap out of it.

It's not dumb at all. I'd wager exercising is one of the most widespread places where people find a lack of motivation. Finding a form of motivation that works for you, whatever that is, is fantastic.

This isn't just a Japan thing. It's pretty widespread in the Western world as well, the outfits just look different.

I try to be knowledgeable on what type of things are considered disrespectful in other cultures, and then avoid doing those things, however this one I'm willing to overlook if the disposables are shitty enough. I don't automatically do it with every pair of disposables, but some warrant it.

There may be some of both, or from other manufacturer's in general. My first one was definitely a Hyperion though. The one he's holding appears to be Hyperion as well.

While not a specific weapon, I love the way the elemental weapons look in the game. I don't recall if it's specifically for Maliwan ones or any elemental one, but that futuristic glowing all over them in the color of the element. It's just awesome looking. Gets better the larger the gun :P