
In a kneejerk reaction to the unveiling of the "New iPad", I thought it was silly, but it only took a moment of further consideration to realize that keeping the numbers is what'd be silly. It was then obvious that the next iPhone would also drop the numbering.

Wish they'd give it more time between releases. When developers start shovel feeding sequels I worry too much that I'm being played and just ignore the game, for better or worse. I had a lot of fun with the original, but I'd rather they just release some DLC for the original if the core game is pretty much the same.

Just because we've completed the game and know that info doesn't mean Link knows it yet. The joke plays off Link's ignorance on the subject, which is why it works. :P

We know that, Link may not have been told that yet. He's about to find out, since that'll be her response to the question, but you assume that because you've completed the game that Link has already learned everything you know, which isn't the case :P

I've never tried to get their anniversary brews before. I have a feeling I'd already be out of luck trying to find it now...Now the debate of if I should go to the store and try my luck. Hmm.

Agreed! Craft brews are definitely helping to rid cans of that stigma. It's nice that craft brewing is becoming a lot more popular as well. Hope the nano goes well for you!

More brewers should really use cans. Too many people still buy into the metallic taste myth, but they don't realize that's from where your lip touches the can, not the liquid itself. You can get similar, crappy tastes off bottles. I pour everything into glasses now to avoid that (plus it looks purty).

While I can't watch the video at the moment, I think anyone feeling they deserve a refund from a Kickstarter project that didn't deliver what they were hoping for should take a moment and reconsider what they think Kickstarter is. You're investing to help make someone else's idea come to fruition. If you don't like

The less condoning of this kind of play, the better. It's one thing to mess around when you're playing with friends, but griefing strangers who are just trying to have a good time in any online game is really lame. If you disagree, just step back and think about what that says about you as a human being. You love

Unfortunately, looks don't matter much for a controller. I'm more interested in how it feels.

You know, I didn't realize this was actually out on any platform yet. I didn't even know it had a release date. Well then!

I picked up Ys Origin on steam during the summer sale this year, and after Oath in Felghana, I hated the fact that you couldn't jump while attacking. You could attack while jumping, but not the other way around. I think the game was originally made before Oath in Felghana, and if so, it really showed in that regard.

As someone hoping to keep my Vita as digital-only as possible, I'm okay with that :]

I remember a couple years ago when they changed a great deal of the traffic lights in my area over to LEDs instead of incandescent bulbs. They're easy to see, very energy efficient, and less prone to complete failure, but they didn't predict the side-effects that came with winter. Since incandescent bulbs generate a

Yeah, this is definitely more me wishing it did than complaining it doesn't, just like how I dream of a 1080p HD Monster Hunter game :] It still looks beautiful for a Ys game, and I can't wait to play it! I'm still hoping for next Spring. I don't really recall how long the lag between Ys Seven's releases were

Back in college while studying in Com Sci as an undergrad, I used to feel like I was towards the lower end of my classes. There were the typical know-it-alls who spoke up constantly, and I made the incorrect assumption that most of the class was at that level of understanding of the content. After test scores I'd

"sadly games like this never reach localization"

Dunno, as a Vita owner, I can definitely say the texture quality in this game is far lower than most Vita games I own, and it's about on par with a PSP game. I'm assuming they used the same engine they did for Ys Seven on the PSP. At its default window size, the Youtube vid isn't that much larger than the Vita's

I wish this game looked more like a Vita game :( I'm pumped for it regardless, but it's a bit of a bummer that it still looks like a PSP title graphically. I can't imagine XSEED not localizing this.

You're basing this on the assumption that the price must be $60 or it won't work to bring them a profit. A lower priced game that nets more sales as a result can easily generate more revenue and profit in the end. Especially on PC, pricing games too high results in more people opting to pirate the game, since it's