
Do you know the difference between a TRUE Scotsman and someone pretending to be a TRUE Scotsman?

If you think Trump winning would be unfair, what would a fair result be? The GOP had 4 years to come up with candidates that weren’t chucklefucks or robots. They failed. They made their Trump bed, now they can lie in it.

Exactly. No one ever decided they weren’t going to buy Superman because they thought his trunks looked stupid. Superman in armor because Jim Lee loves useless, busy lines. Now that’s stupid.

Except Deadwood, Rome, Game of Thrones don’t just rely on shock value.

Unless it’s the shock value of main characters being killed off.

Totally agree.

Originally based on very public fountain details in Italy. So clutch some pearls and somebody, please, think of those Uh’murcan children.

I am not entitled to an opinion. I am entitled to an informed opinion.

Honestly, it’s because there are no stakes...the comic industry relies on never changing...Batman can’t ever shoot Joker in the head because Joker is too great a character to it’s the same thing over and over and over and over again....other movies don’t have those issues...John Mclain gets to toss Hans

I would much rather they keep the narrative tight with 13 episodes in the final two seasons rather than trying to pad out both seasons with an additional 7 episodes of content.

Yeah, you're talking about some type of ion propulsion. That technology is unproven, and it's actually had quite a bit of money spent on it. Maybe a Russian billionaire can spend some money on it to solve the inherent problems.

Jeez, people can get offended by literally anything. “How dare he joke that humanity might be worse than any given theoretical alien civilization that may or may not actually exist!” He’s just making some quips borne of the normal frustration of watching human do the shitty things they do. It’s o.k.

I’m all for going bold... but how are we going to do 20% the speed of light? New Horizons hit like 100,000 miles per hour during its flight to Pluto, and that's about .0149% the speed of light, which is 1/1300th (rounding) the goal of 20% of the speed of light. .2c is really effing fast.

Not just known, but contracted. Norton had a stipulation that he would be given a say on editing, and supposedly wanted to use some of the deleted material around Doc Samson to create a more moody and introspective movie. Marvel decided to ignore his input and go with a more action-driven movie, mainly because they

Game Maker: “We have listened to fan complaints and have changes some aspects of our game accordingly.”

They should treat them. To an ice cream cone after their pediatrician’s appointment.

I’ve got nothing against Benedict Cumberbatch but every single supporting cast member would have made a better Doctor Strange than him. Mikkelsen, Swinton, Ejiofor...each one of them is more interesting as an actor to me.

I have a feeling that right before the end credits for the last episode there’s going to be a “Poochy” moment when the producers announce “Oh and by the way, Rickon was taken to Skagos where he was eaten by cannibals. The End.”