Thanks to the decision of a Los Angeles jury yesterday afternoon, pop-music fans have a fun, frightening new…
Thanks to the decision of a Los Angeles jury yesterday afternoon, pop-music fans have a fun, frightening new…
I'm an American but when I'm alone I'm an Australian.
It's no different from Peter's dead uncle. Sometimes characters are written as plot devices. It's lazy writing at worst - not sinister.
I'm sure similar things were said about those crazies who left for a trans-atlantic trip in the late 1400s. And about those who left for the overland trek to the Pacific. As she said, it has to be done. And it will be done. Which means that the people who strive to do it, whether they succeed or not, are in fact both…
the real heroes are internet commenters who are always here to remind us how much everyone sucks
Great article Jia!
Sonia Van Meter is the managing director of Stanford Caskey, a national Democratic opposition research firm. She's…
Sometimes people can't estimate costs and work required worth a damn. Especially true for software. Having an idea and some sketches for a game, doesn't work. You honestly need a prototype up and running of something beyond the start screen. Something that uses they game mechanics you are proposing, doesn't have…
There is no one "point of videogames". I don't like when people argue that video games should be a certain way for this reason. A video game "should" be whatever the person creating it wants it to be. Sometimes it's great to feel like you're in the game, but sometimes it's great to feel more like you're not. I don't…
Funny, when I see BS statements like, "There is no "artistic debate"" I basically write off everything That person has to say...
That is correct, and that isn't the author's point. Rather, the point is that if you're going to SAY you're emulating film, you should probably, you know, understand something about film.
Money can't buy taste
Amen. That to me is the most distasteful part of this - the unspoken assumption that sports are for men—specifically straight men—and this issue is a way they can pull one over on the ole' ball and chain by sneaking some soft-core porn into a sports mag. ESPN mag's annual body issue is much more credible, plenty of…
I personally would rather my kids (that I don't have) nudity over violence. I mean, it's crazy that it's shameful to be angry over things that create life, while media depicting the ending of life is glorified. Meh. #Murica
When I was in 8th grade we had to have parent permission slips signed because of the "sexual content" in Anne Frank's diary. The "sexual content" is mostly just some mild musings on sex and her relationship with her boyfriend. Do you know what happens after that? The HOLOCAUST. That's right, the one bit singled out in…
Yeah I get how it can be harmful because it sends the message that women must look a certain way to be considered beautiful and women must be sexy if they want to be seen as valuable, but I think it's possible to teach kids about that without freaking out about nudity as if it's the worst thing in the world.
She is neither debasing nor empowering herself. She is making money. Sweet, capitalist, apolitical money.
Why can't we go back to the days of hand-drawn box art like this? Yes, it's orange and blue. But holy crap, look at it. It's got a flying skeleton and an old man's head floating above a medieval castle surrounded by lava! With lightning in the background! It's metal as hell, and would sure as shit grab my attention…
He might be good in a consulting role, but honestly, I'd rather see the young hungry devs' ideas