
The exhibit should be called Deep Dream: Trapped in Fractal Purgatory.

Don’t forget producers.

I only wish I could give you more stars. :)

Exactly. If you’re concerned about length v. price then spend 10 seconds researching so that you can determine whether you’re comfortable buying at full price. I’m not sure how it could be easier.

I agree. Considering all the talk of off-world colonies, I mentally add a few hundred years to the Blade Runner date. Anything sooner is nonsensical.

LECTROID: “Centuries ago the human philosopher Nietzsche warned us about gazing into the abyss. Now we have not only gazed but we have set ourselves adrift in it. The Prime Directive protects the worlds we visit, but it is also an admission of the dark potentialities we have seen within ourselves.”

Are you saying you’re not intimidated by the “random bits of armor strapped over fleece pajamas” look?

I thought that was because the big two can’t go more than five years without irrevocably fucking up their continuity.

I dunno, I think they made the right choice. The bright red with random swooshes of black doesn’t fit at all with the tone of the show.

The only thing that really bothers me is the lack of giant blue lips.

Also, like a lot of early episodes the ending is very un-resolved and un-reassuring. Mulder and Scully get cut out of the loop and told to move on while some shadow government agency moves in and “cleans up”.

Totally agree. Also somehow everyone’s clothes are perfectly tailored. Compare this to Kyle Reese wearing whatever the hell he can find in the first Terminator.

WTF did i just watch?...

Owl knight is STACKED.

I agree. My money is on the eukaryotic filter. The emergence of multicellular life seems far less inevitable than the emergence of life itself. Once our technology and methods improve enough, I expect we’ll start finding a lot of planets that have extremophilic bacteria and nothing else. If we hit the jackpot perhaps

Regardless of how BvS turns out, getting Momoa as Aquaman is a brilliant bit of casting.

BTW, director Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones) is directing a TV series of Roadside Picnic, which is a great book.

Exactly. This drives me up the wall. “Oh no someone made a game about feelings. Oh great another ‘walking simulator’.”

Stab arm here —>