...not to mention I'm preeeeeeeetty sure the majority of the world hated Germany at one point too...
...not to mention I'm preeeeeeeetty sure the majority of the world hated Germany at one point too...
I didn't buy the HD collection originally because I thought "I have too many games to play between my 360 and PS3 as it is!"
Something something garlic butter sauce something something.
I liked XIII...guess I'm just wacky like that.
Nostalgia Goggles are a hellavu drug...
I bought a Nintendo Wii at launch, but to be honest, I greatly underestimated how well it would do.
I suddenly have a craving for some spotted dick...
Yes you will.
Doubt it...
I see it like this:
Completely agreed.
In the war of Public Opinion (P.P), Anonymous is only hurting itself, and by a LOOSE association, we denizens of the webs.
And let's not forget the biggest reason I'll be picking one up...
It all boils down to one thing.
Hmm. Wonder if this was all a pretty elaborate plan by the government from the beginning. Trick Ani into action, all the while monitoring it to bring about an end.
My HD7 is in the corner, wetting itself.
@igloochan: Women...I'll never understand em...amirite?