Actually, it appears to be a social commentary of "What would our favorite iconic game characters look like if they themselves were in fact gamers".
Actually, it appears to be a social commentary of "What would our favorite iconic game characters look like if they themselves were in fact gamers".
I think both 3DS and Vita will have a great year. So exciting stuff coming out for both!
I imagine most people with a Vita already own a PS3.
For those of us that already own a PS3 and Vita, its a much cheaper option overall.
To each their own. Personally, I had a ton of fun with it. Plus the style and sense of humor was fresh.
You're not alone friend. Had an NES at 7, and every Nintendo console (with the exception of the Virtual Boy) since.
Personally, I though Microsoft's was a TAD better.
Pikmin 3 was pretty much it.
Didn't work that great for Motion Controls either.
That's my biggest concern. And frankly, the main reason I'm not getting a Wii-U.
Aside from some HTML5 concessions, IE9's accerlerations are easily faster than Chrome or any other browser.
Aww, look it dat. Internet Explorer jokes. What is this, 2005?
The Zune is dead...
IE 9 and 10 are great. I assume it will be up to par.
Agreed, to an extent.
Nobody ever seems to ask that of Nintendo, oddly enough.
Why not? Nintendo has made a career as of late by selling novelty and fluff. We occasionally get a Zelda here or there, but when their biggest showcase games end up being Wii Music and the like, I don't see them making any big paridigm shifts.
I completely agree actually.
What's a "friend"?
Still rocking the HD7...