Chromeo El Lobo

That's not Malaria...


@buggzero: Well, there is the title of the article...

Why must these things always happen in Florida?

For anyone just joining us, let me fill you in on the majority of comments:

Gotta say I'm loving my HD7. I especially love having a trial of each and every game that comes out as an Xbox Live game.

@thedoommarine: Yea, this issue is a bit annoying. The only thing I've done to alleviate it is delete the trial.

@grimjack28: Become homeless. That seemed to work.

@pandafresh: Kinda looks like he was trying out for the part of "Uncle Fester".

@Owen Good: People not knowing what Field of Dreams is makes Baby Jesus cry.

@dmcshinobi: I got both Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 (as well as Resistance 1) from my g/f for Christmas, so I'm playing them in order.

@SanjiX: I can't remember all that much brown in Gears...but yea, the Fallout games were full of it.

I'm currently playing Resistance: Fall of Man. Since I just got a PS3 last year, I'm trying to get caught up on all of the PS3 games I've missed.

@mdo7: I will see your famous monster from Japan, and raise you one...other famous monster from Japan

I think we're all forgetting one important demographic here: The Gamer who never got a chance to play some of these past games.

My biggest problem with fighting games is I tend to not want to just win. Instead, I spend all of my time trying to use every special move there is, even if it means I'm getting my ass handed to me by somebody just spamming a quick combo.

Hurrah! Windows Phone has finally made it to the App deals section!

@scrapking: I enjoy a delicious piece of meat, on a bed of meat. Some meat on the side, and to drink? Delicious meat.