Chromeo El Lobo


@MasterYong: See, it had the opposite effect for me. The smoking Xbox took it to the "Blatant Xbashing" level in my eyes. I found it funny until then, at which point it just looked like it was drawn by a pissed off 16 year old PS3 fan.

Watched it last night at 12:01. Lots of Avatar cosplayers there. Hardcore fans filled the audience with me.

Needs moar HAVOK!!!

@Goufunaki22: March 2011. That's all the info we get.

Braid is art.

This should have been stopped at the concept stage.

Hail to the new king baby.

Wow! Spies using public sites...who knew?

Well now that's a might fine looking Shmup. So far the games I've seen shown for the WinPhone7 are pretty damned cool looking.

Your welcome Rosa!

@SparklyJesus: Well, if Ford made cars out of glass...then yea, they would be pretty stupid.

I've never seen eye-to-eye with her on politics...

"You're doing it wrong"

I'm beginning to rethink my fine-china backed mobile phone concept...