@MasterYong: See, it had the opposite effect for me. The smoking Xbox took it to the "Blatant Xbashing" level in my eyes. I found it funny until then, at which point it just looked like it was drawn by a pissed off 16 year old PS3 fan.
Watched it last night at 12:01. Lots of Avatar cosplayers there. Hardcore fans filled the audience with me.
Needs moar HAVOK!!!
@Goufunaki22: March 2011. That's all the info we get.
Braid is art.
This should have been stopped at the concept stage.
@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: Wheeeeee! Splishy-splash!
Hail to the new king baby.
Wow! Spies using public sites...who knew?
Well now that's a might fine looking Shmup. So far the games I've seen shown for the WinPhone7 are pretty damned cool looking.
Your welcome Rosa!
@SparklyJesus: Well, if Ford made cars out of glass...then yea, they would be pretty stupid.
@Nitesh Singh: The new boyfriend looks like me.
I've never seen eye-to-eye with her on politics...
@FriarNurgle: *sniff*...*sniff*
"You're doing it wrong"
I'm beginning to rethink my fine-china backed mobile phone concept...