Please as a person with a weak constitution please get your shot! And PRETTY PLEASE don’t come to work sick! I feel like I constantly have to remind my (very healthy) coworkers these two things. The flu and colds went around the office and I’m like...STAY THE FUCK HOME.
Jezebel should start adding your color palette into every article. I’m excited for the color rollercoaster, although I see some trends....
A little hot goss about these two....a friend of mine worked on the Voice and said they couldn’t keep their hands off each other off camera, and in fact their love seems to be REAL. :-/
I tried this exact experiment at my old work and collided with Ben Kingsley. He definitely was not moving for lil’ ol me.
Oh those fat cats DEFINITELY know how cute they are. I had to put my very overweight cats on a diet to avoid diabetes and they hated me for a full year. All I heard for 12 straight months is howling! Now they’re a reasonable weight but still big squishy tubbies.
I had that, then switched to the CD faceplate thing that I would just take off and put in my glove compartment.
Completely agreed with this sentiment. The upper management at my work once were trying to change our insurance to a cheaper company, and most of us would lose our doctors, and they said “why don’t you guys just pay out of pocket?” The wealthy have absolutely zero concept of how much out of pocket really is.
One more thing to check out....night blindness. My elderly cat would howl incessantly at night, and I finally took her in for a senior checkup and they told me to install nightlights everywhere. It worked! She finally stopped howling at night because she could see where she was walking.
Enhance on those nails!
My beloved black fluffy cat once turned grey after I brought in a young rescue cat that terrorized her. The rescue went to live with my mother and had a big beautiful backyard full of bugs to terrorize while my cat eventually turned back to black after a year.
Maybe she was envisioning your future as a non-believer. My buddy who grew up evangelical (who’s now an atheist) told me he would stare at people all the time and think to himself “oh so sad they’re going to burn in hell”.
I feel you!! I cut off chunks of lipstick when people use mine. My friend told me she contracted it from sharing a cigarette once and I’ve been paranoid ever since.
Ah that’s a great way to handle the awkward ‘...but why?!’ question. I don’t think people realize how sexist that question actually is. It implies women are nothing but vessels for babies and their lives are meaningless without children, all in one word. They should say, “But WHY do you want a hedonistic meaningless…
I know that corner well! For some reason they never ever bother me. But they always try to talk to my boyfriend. I’m relieved but also kind of want to know why they never talk to me! I think it’s the resting atheist face I have going on.
I lived near there too and every morning drive through the groups of them walking to work. Now I live closer to the Celebrity Centre and it’s equally as weird, you just see them single file walk from their apartments to work every day, with their vests and polyester pants on. Recently I pet a Scientology lady’s dog…
Glad I’m not the only one! My cats watch Antennae TV during the day, and they listen to a nice old timey jazz station if we leave at night. I read somewhere that noise keeps cats from going senile (I had a 20 yr old senile cat, it was tough) so they get TV ALL THE TIME.
I used to feel the need to follow up “I don’t have kids” with something like “I can’t have them” or “They’re not my thing”. I don’t know why....I guess people made me feel guilty or something when they’d ask ‘You don’t want kids???”. Now I just say, “I don’t want kids” and let the awkward silence follow. The ball’s in…