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So. That's me. I deadlifted 295 for a set of 5 at 117 lb. This video was filmed/edited for a contest, so sorry about the weigh-in, but I think it proves that you don't get huge when you move huge weight.

As a guy, I deal with snarky bullshit from my friends because I practice yoga consistently and I'm also vegan. Despite the fact that I'm healthier and in better shape than nearly all of them, they feel it is necessary to constantly proselytize me on why I should focus more on heavy lifts and eating meat. I just

This is precisely why I go to a women-only gym. No intimidation. No embarrassment. No self-consciousness (except when people stare at me while I grimace on a foam roller). No superfluous grunting in the weight room. No one tries to talk to me when I have my game face on. No one hovers, no one offers unsolicited

I was on the weight floor at my gym, and a female trainer/employee came up to me and said "Oh you want the mats, honey, guys need the room over here."

What perfect timing for this article. So I went to my first yoga class last night. I was one of only 2 men in class of 15 people. While I'll admit that I'm not exactly a specimen of good health at 250 pounds, it still was quite a workout and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


I've seen that display first-hand, and I can tell you without hesitation that it is disgusting. Vile. Far below even the lowest standards of decency.

I mean, the fake blood contains corn syrup, the surgical tubing is *not* recyclable, and the pumpkins aren't even artisanally-grown!

Unfit for Brooklyn indeed.

That was fantastic. I'm watching it every time my PERIOD comes, for reals.

I wish I could be this joyous when I start my period but mostly I'm just like

I am PMSing and this made me angry. Stop being happy!!! Fuck my peeeeerriiooooood would be better lyrics.

The whole reason I wanted to make this was because women don't need Prince Charming to make shit happen— ain't nobody got time for that.

Hooters has regulations on how their employees present themselves aside from 'be young, skinny and busty'? You learn something new everyday.

Racism against Roma people, unlike racism against any other kind of people, is totally legitimate. I know this because some Roma people treated me badly in the past. Roma people are the ONLY people that have ever treated me badly. No other group has criminals in it, especially white Europeans. This is likely due to

"Brown may not be perfect (ehh, I don’t love his initial decision to refuse child support payments) but since when was that a requirement for being a good parent"

Being perfect is not a requirement for being a parent. But being a parent is. He gave up his rights to the child and refused to support her and her mother.


Your last point is probably the best. If it isn't in the best interest of the child, it doesn't matter if it is in the best interest of the tribe. This is precisely the issue that needs to be assessed. Who is to say that she would be raised within the tribe by Dusten Brown in the first place? Not all native peoples