
She is 5 yrs old....she probably didn't even understand she was getting charity in the first place.

"Yes, in regards to combat pay and sexual assault and sexual harrasment, the military is behind the times and wrong."

What I never get about these kinds of practices is simply how can the men tolerate it? Why does a man WANT a child bride?? I just feel like if I were a male in that culture, even if I were forced to marry a little girl, I could never have sex with/RAPE her! How is it that men are not automatically repulsed by this?

Its about control. They don't care about children or fetuses, and they don't care about women being slutty - they care about the women having control over their bodies. If a woman is a slut and has no baby, there is no proof of her sluttery and no way for society to give her the stink eye. If she is a slut and has a

I'm really terrified of possibly dating or being friends with a rapist. I guess statistically, I have met many rapists in my life, and am friends with some but don't know it. I haven't been raped, but I do not trust most of my male friends - they are deceitful I think. Like when a guy friend offers you his couch cause

Some people are just dumb. It's frustrating as hell though when you didn't know how dumb they were until that conversation.

r u for realz? lul

just because the population growth went down doesn't mean its too low - it is still high enough to sustain us. Besides - if there are less single women and teenagers having babies, then there is less of a burden on society in general.

That sounds so awful, I'm so sorry you were with a guy that selfish :(

*Morpheus voice* What if I told you that women are not machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out?

You would be surprised at how many young people on my campus in Mississippi will absolutely carry that torch for the old people. They believe exactly what their parents/church teaches them, because they never had the chance to form their own thoughts.

This may sound harsh, but I think the way I feel about this was better summed up when Louis C.K. talked about parents complaining about having to explain two men kissing to their kids, "'What am I supposed to tell my kids?'...I don't know, its your shitty kid, you fucking tell him - why is that anyone else's problem?

You're damn right I'm <3

I just finished packing for my flight to NYC tomorrow - I got a full summer internship. I AM SO NERVOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to weigh in on one thing that I experienced (not really related to the article, just my experience).

Thank you for that.

Women obviously are sometimes violent toward men, but it is ridiculous to ignore the extreme differences in physical strength.


Old men are such entitled pricks. They think peer-aged women are beneath them....
