Chris Puckett

Having testicles when you're a woman isn't a genetic gift, it's an abnormality. In laymans terms she's getting androgynous hormones naturally made for her by her own body. She's on roids without having to inject them.

Yes, that's exactly the type of person I am. Thanks for nailing that down by a single statement. Contrary to what you think, I do massive data analysis for a living. I fully understand the concepts and rigors of statistics and know the single data point in my son doesn't quantify a statistically significant trend.

Which is the whole point of Gender not being a purely social construct. If it were we wouldn't have transgendered people unless we wanted them to be transgendered. People are transgendered because that's who they are, not because society tells them so.

She has testicles, it's not fair to the other women, and to claim that it's not her fault because of genetics is akin to saying men can't compete against women because of their genetics.

The issue isn't testosterone, but the underlying cause. I highly doubt they'd disqualify an elite athlete because she naturally produced 10% more testosterone, but in Caster Semanya's case, she had testicles and produced VAST AMOUNTS of testosterone.

No matter how wrong it feels to you, women have a greater limitation physically than men. When a woman performs similar to a man in a physical sport questions HAVE to be raised in the interest of fairness.

Tell that to my two year old who was never taught to play with trucks. He simply did. Tell that to the millions of children who have "gender identity" issues, e.g. boys who prefer dolls and girls who prefer trucks.

Under your pretense we should have let Sheryl Swoopes contend against Michael Jordan for a spot in the Olympics. It's not his fault he's raging full of testosterone and 6 inches taller, it's genetics!

Under that pretense we should have men and women competing against one another. It's ridiculous that Usain Bolt can't race against Caster Semanya, it's not his fault he's TOO CAPABLE simply because he's a man.

Way old news?

And stupid too. There are plenty of top 100 state schools that accept nearly 10 thousand freshman each year. There's not a chance they actually check for extracurricular activities.

With coffee yes. Drank 128 ounces in 4 hours once, not wise. I remember finally drifting off to sleep at 5 AM only to wake up an hour later WIDE awake. Never again.

"Wolff also suggests we stay away from legumes, dairy, sugar, and processed vegetable oils. These have the same gut-irritating and inflammation-promoting properties. As a result, Paleo devotees tend to refrain from cheese, milk, soy products, and peanuts, which technically speaking is a legume. They also avoid all

Isn't that pretty much every HBO series? Gratuitous, non relevant sex is a requirement for the show to be on HBO.

Oh I could have been down with ancient electromagnetic teleportation, but I wasn't down with using a frozen donkey wheel to activate it.

And calling LOST scifi is just wrong. It looked like it was for the first 3.9999 seasons but when Benjamin moved the island by turning the frozen donkey wheel all was lost (pun intended.) The series finale was just pathetically lame and way too existential.

And for crying out loud... please, please read my comments instead of immediately going ape shit.

I generally concur with your opinion outside of the Why portion. Religion only covers the Who, science does everything else, at least in the physical realm. It does cover the Why in the philosophical realm, but science doesn't overlap there so it's meaningless to point out.

This article is wrong. They're not removing evolution, they're removing outdated evolutionary examples. Evolution is still in their textbooks, they're just updating it.

I'll watch the video later, but that quote is beyond stupid. If you generalized all faithful religious believers with that quote they would still believe the sun revolves around the Earth.