People like you make me sad for the human race.
People like you make me sad for the human race.
Well, we're more advanced in the sense that we're the dominant life form on the planet. Of course that could change if we get hit by an asteroid and only cockroaches live to tell about it...
Agreed. The idea that a bat evolved from a rat and somehow existed when it's wings were non-functional as flying mechanisms but too oddly shaped to useful legs is lunacy. There needs to be much more research into macro evolution before it can be considered fact.
Funny, exactly same thing here. Those two are bookmarked, the rest are garbage.
Definite vote on The Visitor. That was a compelling story where the Sci Fi was a means to a good story and not the center piece.
I'll give you every one of your points except the science. Star Trek's science, while unbelievable, operates under the assumption that someday we will discover these things. Gravity plating, shields, warp drive etc. operate under the assumption that science as we know right now can't solve it, but future advances…
I don't get the desire of Fringe. I'm a hardcore scifi guy, watched every Trek series all the way through (yes, even Enterprise) but Fringe was just crap. It was so beyond pseudo science it wasn't even believable which is saying something for scifi which requires suspension of disbelief in the first place.
Oh come on, the trailers are totally worth it! I seriously get mad if I'm not in my seat in time for the trailers.
I liked Earth 2 as well. Dead after one season.
Anybody have an explanation as to why deaths per 1000 has been going up since the early 80's?
And I read the source article: when a red giant moves to the white dwarf stage it sheds its outer layer. This loss in mass results in a reduction in gravity which destabilizes the orbits of the planets potentially causing collisions which force planetary remnants towards the dying star.
Ok, follow that train of thought... How would the orbit be disrupted? The inner planets would be swallowed whole, not broken up. Gravity, towards the center of our solar system, would still be constant and no rogue foreign bodies would be created. Without a change in the gravity well I don't see how it's possible.
+1000, not for the prospect of any movie by him, but for your comment.
How is it that they are projecting that the planetary remains would be closer to the sun? Wouldn't gravity have to increase to draw us closer? If so, wouldn't the sun's mass have to increase to produce this larger gravity well? How does our sun gain mass as it ages? With coronal ejections it should be decreasing…
a.) Global temperature data is not available, not in the modified form that researchers are using. Global satellite imagery has a calculated margin of error which is then applied to the mean global temperature to produce an altered number. Surface monitoring stations are even worse as they've been in the same places…
I don't watch FoxNews, I believe in Evolution (while still being a Christian, I know **gasp**) and I think science is the explanation for all things in this universe. That being said, Global Warming IS a huge, complex problem that has had much of its data hidden by the researchers performing the work. I could go…
You do realize that Americans in the corporate sector work more hours than any Western country in the world? We have the fewest vacation days, the lowest job benefits and our employers want us to work weekends "for free" just so we can "be part of something special." I'll tell you what's special, my free time, which…
In 2004 Apophis was originally thought to be hitting the Earth in 2029. That's plenty of time.
Nobody could imagine USB Thumb drives. It was, at the time, quite stupid and ridiculous given these machines were targeting students, the people who used floppies the most.